


网络释义:结合蛋白;反应元件结合蛋白;cAMP response element binding


1.结合蛋白0 可能通过抑制 PKA 通路下调皮质神经元中的 cAMP response element bindingCREB)基因表达,而 CREB 能够调控 BD…

4.环腺苷酸应答元件结合蛋白(cAMP response element bindingprotein)64000; 2 郑州大学第一附属医院 )    环腺苷酸反应元件结合蛋白 ( CREB ) 是细胞内 环腺苷酸 ( cAM P ) 变化的转录转导因子 , 具...



1.After CREB is switched on, it binds to a specific set of genes, triggering production of the proteins those genes encode.CREB一启动,就会接上一组特定基因,而这些基因所编译的蛋白质便受到触发而开始生产。

2.Then they fppped a genetically engineered-switch that wiped out a set of neurons, called the CREB-making neurons.然后,研究人员们通过基因改变技术消除了一组名为“生成CREB”的神经细胞。

3.In this article, the roles of CREB in the pathogenesis of depression and in mediating effects of antidepressant treatment are reviewed.该文就CREB与抑郁症发病机制和抗抑郁药起效机制的相关研究进行综述。

4.However, increasing CREB levels in some other brain regions leads to depression-pke behaviors.而在其他某些脑区内提升CREB水平则会导致类抑郁行为。

5.CREB can promote the formation of long te rm memory in drosophila and mouse.CREB能促进果蝇和小鼠等动物长时程记忆的形成。

6.CREB is a protein that spikes in the lateral amygdala, when we experience a scary event.CREB是一种蛋白质,当我们经历令人害怕的事情的时候,外侧杏仁核中CREB的含量会升高。

7.People pay particularly attention to the role of CREB in learn and memory.CREB与学习记忆分子神经机制的关系特别受到注意。

8.Effects of Sini Powdered Effective Composition on Hippocampus Neurogenesis and CREB Copy Number in Rats Following Lesions of Olfactory Bulb四逆散有效部位对嗅球损毁大鼠海马细胞发生及CREB基因拷贝数量的影响

9.Effect of the PKA-CREB signal transduction during spatial learning and memory in marginal division of rat striatum and hippocampusPKA-CREB信号通路在大鼠纹状体边缘区及海马空间学习记忆过程中的作用

10.Regulatory effects of corticotropin release hormone on hypothalamic neuronal calcium signals and CREB促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素对下丘脑神经元钙信号和CREB的调节作用