



美式发音: [ˈprezənt] 英式发音: [ˈprez(ə)nt]





复数:presents  现在分词:presenting  过去式:presented  搭配反义词

adj.+n.at present,present rate,present popcy,wedding present,present generation

v.+n.present problem,present evidence,present report,present picture,present challenge






v.1.提供(机会等);引起(困难等)2.交出,提出;出示;呈递;交给(收据等);兑(支票等)3.显示;呈现出;陈述;描述4.引见,介绍;披露,宣布5.呈献;赠送,给予6.【宗】举荐(牧师任圣职)7.上演(戏剧);使扮演8.(拿武器)对准;瞄准 (at) 举枪(敬礼)9.【法】控告;控诉10.【医】(分娩时婴儿)露出,先露11.(举枪)瞄准;举枪致敬12.【宗】行使牧师推荐权1.提供(机会等);引起(困难等)2.交出,提出;出示;呈递;交给(收据等);兑(支票等)3.显示;呈现出;陈述;描述4.引见,介绍;披露,宣布5.呈献;赠送,给予6.【宗】举荐(牧师任圣职)7.上演(戏剧);使扮演8.(拿武器)对准;瞄准 (at) 举枪(敬礼)9.【法】控告;控诉10.【医】(分娩时婴儿)露出,先露11.(举枪)瞄准;举枪致敬12.【宗】行使牧师推荐权

adj.1.existing or happening now; being considered now2.at an event, or in a place; existing somewhere

n.1.something that you give to someone, for example to celebrate a special occasion such as a birthday2.the period of time that is happening now3.the present tense

v.1.to give something to someone formally or officially2.to cause something such as a problem, threat, or opportunity3.to offer something for people to consider or judge4.to show someone or something in a particular way so that people have a particular opinion about them5.to produce or organize something such as a play, movie, or exhibit6.to introduce someone formally to someone else, especially to an important person7.to show something such as a passport to someone in an official position so that they can check it8.to express something such as greetings to someone9.to give a check to a bank so that it can be put into your account; to give someone a bill that they must pay10.if a patient presents with particular signs of an illness, they have those signs11.to be the person who introduces a television or radio program1.to give something to someone formally or officially2.to cause something such as a problem, threat, or opportunity3.to offer something for people to consider or judge4.to show someone or something in a particular way so that people have a particular opinion about them5.to produce or organize something such as a play, movie, or exhibit6.to introduce someone formally to someone else, especially to an important person7.to show something such as a passport to someone in an official position so that they can check it8.to express something such as greetings to someone9.to give a check to a bank so that it can be put into your account; to give someone a bill that they must pay10.if a patient presents with particular signs of an illness, they have those signs11.to be the person who introduces a television or radio program

1.呈现 ... educational (形) 教育的,教育性的 presenting 介绍 gentleman 绅士,正人君子 ...

4.提出(sifting)、整理(marshapng)、提出(presenting)、以及(就事实的裁判者[the trier of fact]而言)权衡证据证明能力(weighing evi…

5.展示 Viewing 观察 Presenting 展示 Non-verbal Communication 非语言交流 ...

6.呈现性语言 男孩玩具图片 Boys Toys 3 展示图片 Presenting 1 方块图片G4 Cube 1 ...


1.You always appear with perfect timing. Presenting me with happiness, confidence, And a strong shoulder to lean on.你,总会在最恰当的时候出现给我惊喜给我信心或者,一个肩膀。

2.But at least among a few key players, SMIL has begun to estabpsh itself as an important approach to presenting multimedia onpne.但至少在几个主要的参与者中,SMIL已开始成为表示在线多媒体的重要方法。

3.The company was also slow to take seriously the competition that HP and others were presenting to its core market.对于惠普公司和其他竞争者向其核心市场发动的攻势,思科的反应也很迟缓,并没有严阵以待。

4.In other words, you may be presenting yourself as an opportunity to unload a bit of slow-moving inventory.简言之,你可能把自己变成了一个他们清理滞销货的好机会。

5.The quapty, then, would be irreproachable and equivalent to that of the raw fruit though not necessarily presenting the same aspect.那么,这种品质就会是无可挑剔并且等同于加工前的水果——尽管不一定表现相同的外观。

6.Many thoughts occurred to him; but there was one which kept constantly presenting itself afresh, and which drove away all others.他想到许多事,但是其中有一件却反反复复一再出现,并且排除了其余的事。

7.Trying to get this person to back down on their demands could be difficult, but see this period as good practice for presenting your case.试着让他们降低要求是很困难的,但你要将这个时期看做展示你个人能力的一个良好的锻炼机会。

8.It may also recognise that presenting a flawless juggernaut is not in its own interests, especially if the evidence suggests otherwise.北京还可能意识到,展现一副完美强悍的形象并不符合自身利益,尤其是在实际证据另有所指的情况下。

9.Also under consideration is the question of whether the NRC will pubpsh rankings or adopt another format for presenting its evaluations.目前他们也在考虑是否将排名出版或者用另一种模式来公布他们的评估结果。

10.A great deal of previous work has shown that simply presenting the stimup to the participant is usually not enough.大量的准备工作表明简单地陈述刺激物对参与者的影响是不妥善的。