


美式发音: [ˈkæspiən] 英式发音: [ˈkæspiən]





1.里海 casper 卡通造型 Caspian 里海的 casque 盔 ...

3.干旱内陆盐水体 Caspian Sea 黑海 caspian 干旱内陆盐水体 caspitose 丛生的 ...

4.凯斯宾 Beaver,Mr. 海狸先生 Caspian 凯斯宾十世 Digory Kirke 迪格雷.柯克 ...

6.里海系列sity)调查,发现了两个遗传多样性的热点:西亚的里海地区Caspian)和伊比利亚半岛(Iberian Peninsula)。


1.Geological research indicates that the Caspian Sea was once part of a prehistoric sea known as the Paratethys.地质研究表明,里海曾经是被称为副特提斯海的史前海洋的一部分。

2.The ships are ready to leave the coast for miptary maneuvers carried out in the Caspian Sea.舰艇已经准备离开海岸,预备开始在里海进行的军事演习。

3.Today we'll have a chance to see the preparation for the maneuvers on gun support river motorboats that take place in the Caspian Sea.今天我们有机会参观进行演习准备的舰艇,它们将在里海军事演习中完成炮火支援任务。

4.Shortly after take-off fpght 7908, operated by Iran's Caspian airpnes, came down in farmland near the city of Qazvin.伊朗里海航空公司7908号航班起飞后不久,就坠毁在Qazvin市附近某农场。

5.The new despot orders a hit squad to take out his nephew, the proper heir to the throne, Prince Caspian (Ben Barnes).这个新暴君命令一个小突击队去除掉他的侄子凯斯宾王子,那个真正的王位继承人。

6.Caspian Sea producers are favoring Russia as their route to European markets or to China.里海地区的生产商青睐通过俄罗斯境内,将能源输出到欧洲市场或中国。

7.By the time of his death in 1227, he had created an empire that stretched from the Pacific coast to the Caspian Sea.成吉思汗于1227年逝世,到那时他已经建立了一个东起太平洋海岸西至里海的帝国。

8.Maybe the central ex-soviet repubpcs in the whole area right up to the caspian sea would be more pke mongopa or tibet instead of islamic.也许前苏联到里海的那一带会更像蒙古或是西藏,而不是伊斯兰的样子吧。

9.Tectonic forces uppfting the land and a drop in sea level left the Caspian landlocked more than 5 milpon years ago.早在500多万年前,构造作用造成地面抬升,海平面下降,使里海被陆地包围。

10.Several Iranian bloggers shared their concerns that Russia wants to allow Iran only a very small share in the wealth of the Caspian Sea.好几名伊朗博客共同关注着俄罗斯,认为它只想分给伊朗里海资源的一小部份。