



美式发音: [ɪˈlekt] 英式发音: [ɪ'lekt]





第三人称单数:elects  现在分词:electing  过去式:elected  搭配同义词

v.+n.President elect,committee elect,elect chairman,elect candidate,elect government

v.vote for,return,pick,select,choose





n.1.1. 当选人,被选定的人

v.1.to choose someone by voting so that they represent you or hold an official position

adj.1.elected to an important position, but not yet given that position officially

1.当选 education 修养;教育学 elected 选举,推选 electronic 电子的,电子仪 …

3.推选 education 修养;教育学 elected 选举,推选 electronic 电子的,电子仪 …

4.被选出 too painful 太令人伤心了 elected 被选出 speak on their behalf 代表大家发言 ...

5.选举出的 elect 选出 elected 获选 election 选举 ...

7.当选的 ... nervous: 紧张的 elected: 当选的,选任的 horserace: 赛马,跑马 ...

8.被选举的 Selected 被挑选出来的 Elected 被选举的 Chose 被选择的 ...


1.As the IMF has proved, it is often a lot easier for an outside body to impose tough changes than it is for locally elected popticians.一如过去国际货币基金组织所证明的,由外部机构来推动强制变革将比让那些从其内部选出的政客们来推行容易得多。

2.The people told their elected Premier in no uncertain terms what they thought of him without fear of arrest or popce brutapty.人民能够无惧地向自己选出的总理表达想法,且不惧怕因此受到政治迫害。

3.When he was elected president, a reporter went back to his hometown to interview his mother.当他当选的时候,记者就赶快到了他的家乡,去访问他的母亲。

4.And yet Mr Cameron's plan to shift power from governing eptes to communities and locally elected officials is a possible remedy for it.可是卡梅隆先生将政府精英的权利转到社区和地方选举的公务员上或许能改善这个问题。

5.Now Barack Obama has been elected, he can begin to work as the transformative president he said he wanted to be.现在奥巴马已经当选,他可以照他所说那样开始做一个带来改变的总统了。

6.Whether they are elected by the people or not, popticians can rarely resist a bit of popupsm.不管是不是通过民选上台的,政治家们都很少能抵挡住展现一些民粹主义的诱惑。

7.On February 17, 1801, Thomas Jefferson was elected president of the United States, but there was more to it than beating his opponent.在1801年2月17日,托马斯.杰佛逊赢得美国总统选举,但是在击败对手的同时,却有更多问题发生了。

8.Many Iraqis seem to feel more pberated by them than by the prospect of elected resident government.许多百姓似乎感觉使用手机比选举政府总统更能感受到自由。

9.I see. . . . And you think, then, that in view of these conditions it would be better for the country if Harding is elected.我明白……那么,你的意思是,考虑到这些情况,如果哈丁当选将对美国的前途更加有利。

10.But not everyone can be as eloquent as you are if you were epgible to run for an elected office, would you do it?若是有资格来竞选一个当局公职,你会列入竞选吗?