


美式发音: [ˈkriˌoʊl] 英式发音: [ˈkriːəʊl]







1.[c]克里奥尔人(尤指居住在西印度群岛的欧洲人和非洲人的混血儿)a person of mixed European and African race, especially one who pves in the West Indies

2.[c]克里奥尔人(指首批定居在西印度群岛或南美的欧洲人的后裔,或定居在美国南部诸州的法国人和西班牙人的后裔)a person whose ancestors were among the first Europeans who settled in the West Indies or S America, or one of the French or Spanish people who settled in the southern states of the US

Creole cookery克里奥尔式烹饪方法

3.[u]克里奥尔语(欧洲语言和当地语言的混合语,尤指与西印度群岛奴隶讲的非洲语言的混合语)a language formed when a mixture of a European language with a local language (especially an African language spoken by slaves in the West Indies) is spoken as a first language



adj.1.creole food has the typical strong flavor of food from the southern U.S. and usually contains tomatoes, peppers, onions, and rice2.relating to languages that are creoles

n.1.a language that is a mixture of a European language and one or more other languages, spoken as the first language of a people2.someone with French ancestors who pves in the southern U.S.; someone with European and African ancestors who pves in the West Indies; someone with Spanish ancestors who pves in the Caribbean, Central America, or South America

1.克里奥尔克里奥尔Creole)一词原意是“混合”,泛指世界上那些由葡萄牙语、英语、法语以及非洲语言混合并简化而生的语言,美国南 …

2.克里奥尔语(5)克里奥尔语Creole),是指一种混合多种不同语言词汇,有时也掺杂一些其他语言文法的一种语言,这个词是用以泛指 …

3.克里奥语常用语言: 克里奥语Creole)也叫帕图阿语(Patois) 官方语言: 英语 GDP: 8.18亿美元 首都: 卡斯特里(Castries) 3.…

4.克里奥尔人克里奥尔人Creole)这个名称在16∼18世纪时本来是指生于美洲而双亲是西班牙人的白种人,以区别于生于西班牙而迁往美洲 …


6.克利奥尔欢迎访问克利奥尔(Creole)黄页庞沙图拉 R003 037 走近美国 » 通过邮编浏览克利奥尔(Creole)黄页 1.Dickson Wesley 2.Troxclai…



1.In 1958, just as he finished making the movie "King Creole, " Elvis received notice that he had to serve in the United States Army.1958年,正当他演罢电影《克里奥尔王》的时候,他接到通知必须在美国军队中服役。

2.Alexandre Dumas was the grandson of a French marquis and a beautiful Caribbean creole of mixed French and African descent.大仲马是法国侯爵和一个美丽的混合法语和克里奥尔语非裔加勒比孙子。

3.he was a slave on board the brig creole , of richmond , bound to new orleans , that great slave mart , with a hundred and four others.他与一百零四名其它黑奴一起关在里士满的“克里奥”号双桅帆船上,运往奴隶大市场新奥尔良州。

4.Some Haitians were amazed Friday that an African-American CNN camerawoman did not speak Creole, the French-based native language in Haiti.周五,有些海地当地居民很是惊讶有个非裔美国CNN摄影师为什么不说克利奥尔语—当地以法语为基础的语言。

5.In this case it happens to be really useful because Haitian Creole is not really spoken outside of the Haitian community.碰巧这种情况下很有用,因为海地的克里奥尔语在海地社会之外很少有人说。

6.Since the majority of incoming text messages were in Creole, we needed a translation service.由于传来的短信大部分都是克里奥尔语的,所以我们需要翻译服务。

7.Growing up, I absorbed those stories, heard a new version every year; adults around the dinner table speaking in creole about poor Haiti.长大后,我每年都能听到不同版本的故事。大人们则坐在餐桌前用克里奥尔语谈论着苦难的海地。

8.One of the best known Creole languages, and the one with the largest community of speakers, is Haitian Creole.克理奥尔语言里,最著名的也是最多人说的是海地克理奥尔语。

9.Language: Portuguese is the official language. Creole (Criolo) and a number of African languages are also spoken.语言:官方语言为葡萄牙语。克里奥洛语和一些非洲语言也通用。

10.What is to be represented, and how? The Haitian Creole orthographic debates.要表现什麽?如何表现?海地克理奥尔拼字法的争论。