




1.客观的 ... impartial 全面的,公正的 tive 客观的 optimistic 乐观的 ...

2.一个接一个跟随 (scrib+ble→ 写→乱写) secu+tive一个接一个跟随) (sect+arian→ 切开→搞宗派) ...

3.形容词字尾 ... active 活跃的 - tive 形容词字尾 agile 灵活的; 敏捷的 ...

4.一直…的 some: 多…的 tive: 一直…的 ile: 容易…的 ...

5.压阻压 accelerom 速度计 tive 压阻压 pileup 堆积 ...

6.压阻加 r ring 环 tive 压阻加 accelerom 速度计 ...

7.力换能 piezoresis 压阻压 tive 力换能 piezoresis 压阻换 ...


1.The President appoints officers for his 15 execu-tive departments to help him with senate approval.总统任命15个部门的主管,再由参议院通过。

2.Don't you think this annual turnover is rather conserva- tive for a sole agent?对独家代理来讲,你不认为这个年销售量数字太过保守了吗?

3.Prac-tive shows that this system is valuable for practical use which may solve the problem of ar-rears in Power industry.实践表明,该系统对改善目前电力企业的欠费现状具有较大的实用意义。

4.1 archived record processing according to the " archives management system" of the relevant provisions of the u tive.已归档的记录处理按《档案管理制度》的有关规定执行。

5.What matters is how individual organisations make decisions and implement them rela- tive to their competitors.关键是个人组织如何做出决策及如何对其相关竞争者执行决策。

6.One compares stick-to-i tive female comrade to receive: Feel embarrassed, we are not beautiful flourishing.一个比较有耐心的女同志接的:不好意思,我们不是佳旺。

7.the change of sEMGis different under different posture , its ac2 tive intensity change mainly decided by the spinal column pitch degree.不同的姿势,背部竖脊肌肌电图变化情况不尽相同,其活动强度的变化主要由脊柱前屈的程度决定。

8.The results obtained generapze the classical neg-tive risk sums model.本文所得结果推广了经典负风险和模型的相应结果。

9."These SEZs are not a special admin is, tra tive division following the principle of " one country two systems.这些经济特区不是奉行“一国两制”原则的行政专区。

10.The result indicates that ethanopc extract has stronger antioxidant- tive property.结果表明,花生壳的乙醇提取物具有较强的抗氧化性。