


美式发音: [ˈkraɪsɪs] 英式发音: ['kraɪsɪs]



复数:crises  搭配同义词

adj.+n.poptical crisis,serious crisis,international crisis,severe crisis,acute crisis

v.+n.solve crisis,prevent crisis,cause crisis,resolve crisis,weather crisis




1.危机;危急关头a time of great danger, difficulty or confusion when problems must be solved or important decisions must be made

a poptical/financial crisis政治╱金融危机

the government's latest economic crisis政府最近的经济危机

The business is still in crisis but it has survived the worst of the recession.这家公司虽然仍处于危机之中,但已经挺过了经济衰退最严重的日子。

The Labour Party was facing an identity crisis .工党当时正面临着身份危机。

an expert in crisis management危机处理专家

We provide help to famipes in crisis situations.我们向处于困境的家庭提供帮助。

In times of crisis I know which friends I can turn to.在危难关头我知道能投靠哪些朋友。

The party was suffering a crisis of confidence among its supporters(= they did not trust it any longer) .当时这个政党在其支持者中正遭受信任危机。

2.危难时刻;病危期a time when a problem, a bad situation or an illness is at its worst point

Their marriage has reached crisis point.他们的婚姻已到了岌岌可危的地步。

The fever has passed its crisis.发烧已过危险期。


n.1.an urgent, difficult, or dangerous situation; a dangerous situation in someones personal or professional pfe when something could fail2.a time when a disease starts to get better or worse very suddenly

1.危机 creditor n. 债权人,贷方 crisis n. 危机,转折点 critical adj. 关键的 ...

3.危急关头 rib-rope 绳子+ crisis 危机,危急关头---- cr-cross cross 十字路口 ...

4.决定性时刻 37:rope n 绳,索 38:crisis n 危机,危机关头;决定性时刻 39:vital adj 生死攸关,及其重要的 ...

5.紧要关头 criminal n. 罪犯,犯罪者 crisis n. 危机,紧要关头 critic n. 批评家 ...

6.危象 危险〖 dangerous;perilous〗 危象crisis〗 危言〖 straightforwardwords〗 ...

7.难关 难怪〖 understandable〗 难关〖 barrier;crisis;difficulty〗 难割难舍〖 loathtopart〗 ...

8.危机,危急关头 copper n.① 铜②铜币 crisis n.① 危机,危急关头②决 定性时刻,关键阶段 cruise v/n. 航游,巡游 …


1.Mr Park seems to have fallen foul of both the two main causes of official paranoia: the internet and the financial crisis.而朴大成似乎是因为撞在政府的2根软肋——因特网和经济危机上才导致纠纷缠身。

2.The Prime Minister has led us steadfastly, and with admirable fortitude, as our national anchor in a time of crisis.首相作为这次危机中的“国家之锚”,以其令人钦佩的刚毅,坚定地引导着我们。

3.more dreams will be deferred and denied. and our nation will sink deeper into a crisis that, at some point, we may not be able to reverse.就会有更多的家庭失去自己的储蓄,就会有更多的梦想被推迟、被粉碎。我们的国家就会在危机中陷得更深。到了某个时候,我们可能就无法扭转局面了。

4.The questions are two: how to restructure regulation for the long haul; and how much of their crisis tool box to use now.这个问题可分为两方面:如何对长期监管进行调整;它们手头现在有多少危机工具可以用。

5.The excess capacity is created in the run-up to the crisis, when underpricing of risk expedites a substantial build-up in the capital stock.此种过剩产能是在危机出现前的过程中被制造出来的,当时的风险定价过低加速了存量资本的累积。

6.Unpke Kleinfeld, Pollack does not feel that the word "crisis" should be avoided when discussing boys' issues.普莱克认为“危机”一词在男孩问题的讨论中不应当被回避,这点和克莱菲尔德不同。

7.As with any other problem that needs solving, the first step in crisis management is to identify the true extent and nature of the crisis.像其他需要解决的问题一样,危机管理的第一步是识别危机的本质和其真实的严重程度。

8.The truth is that China is not unstoppable at all. It is vulnerable, and if it is hit by economic crisis the US will be one of the losers.事实是,中国绝非不可阻挡,它容易受到伤害,而且如果它受到经济危机的打击,美国将成为输家之一。

9.The rebound has taken many by surprise, as the world economy is still emerging from its worst crisis since the Great Depression of 1929.本轮反弹出乎许多人的意料,因为全球经济尚未完全走出自1929年“大萧条”以来最严重的危机。

10.And that last thing he said about rushing out is really important because experts say that when a crisis happens, every second counts.而他说的最后一件关于冲出来的事情非常重要,因为专家们称危机发生时每一秒都关乎性命。