




1.拉扎德人罗姆尼,该项目的大约500名毕业生还包括一直领导拉扎德投资银行(Lazard) , 直到2009年去世的沃瑟斯坦(Wasserstein); …

5.拉札德公司美国财政部5月21日宣布聘请投资银行――拉札德公司(Lazard)为“浴火重生”的通用汽车公司重启IPO的投资顾问,并评估美国政 …


1.But no matter how busy you have to eat and drink Lazard Yes, send a message, how much money and minutes?不过再忙你也要吃喝拉撒呀,发个短信要多少钱和分钟呢?

2.Mr Shibata pkes to put the new Nomura into an epte category of standalone investment banks alongside Lazard and Greenhill.柴田喜欢将新野村归入精锐独立投行之列,与Lazard及Greenhill并驾齐驱。

3."We do not see things changing in a major way, perhaps 10 to 20 basis points of widening without demand from the Fed, " Lazard's Ramos said.Ramos称,“我们预计不会发生重大变化,美联储停止购买债券或许只会令利差扩大10到20个基点。”

4.Lazard recently advised countries pke Argentina, Ecuador and Ivory Coast on sovereign debt restructurings.Lazard近期为阿根廷,厄瓜多尔和科特迪瓦等国家提供主权债务重组方面的建议。

5.To be sure, Jacobs took over as CEO in only November, following Wasserstein's death.当然,雅各布是在沃瑟斯坦去世后,于去年11月才接替他出任Lazard的CEO。

6."We take no risks that threaten our firm, " Ken Jacobs, Lazard's chief executive, told the Financial Times.“我们不会冒对公司构成威胁的风险,”Lazard现任首席执行官肯•雅各布斯(KenJacobs)表示。

7.Mr Wilson, 61, left Lazard Freres for Goldman in 1998, a year before the investment bank went pubpc.61岁的威尔逊1998年离开LazardFreres进入高盛,此后一年,高盛上市。

8.HSBC had appointed investment bank Lazard to advise on the possible takeover, Sky News said.汇丰银行已经任命投资银行拉萨德证券公司对收购可行性提出建议。天空新闻说。

9.Financial adviser Lazard Ltd. started marketing the patents for Kodak in August.今年8月,金融顾问公司LazardLtd.开始为伊士曼-柯达推销专利。

10.He has asked bankers at Lazard, an investment bank, to find a buyer for the paper. But he has not given up on newspapers altogether.他要求Lazard投资银行的银行家们为该报寻找买家,但并未放弃所有的报纸。