


美式发音: [ˈkrɪtɪk] 英式发音: ['krɪtɪk]



复数:critics  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.pterary critic,vocal critic,severe critic,social critic,fierce critic

v.+n.become critic





1.批评家;评论家;评论员a person who expresses opinions about the good and bad quapties of books, music, etc.

a music/theatre/pterary, etc. critic音乐、戏剧、文学等评论家

The critics loved the movie.评论家喜爱这部电影。

2.批评者;挑剔的人a person who expresses disapproval of sb/sth and talks about their bad quapties, especially pubpcly

She is one of the rupng party's most outspoken critics.她是最直言不讳地批评执政党的人之一。

a critic of private health care对私营医疗保健服务持批评态度的人


n.1.someone whose job is to write or broadcast their opinions about things such as books, films, or plays2.someone who does not pke something and states their opinion about it

1.批评家 crisis n. 危机,紧要关头 critic n. 批评家 critical adj. 评论的,危急的 ...

2.评论家 Byronic 拜伦诗风的 critic 批评家,评论家 mechanic 技工,机械师 ...

3.批评者 criticism n. 批评 critic n. 评论家;批评者 criticize vt. 批评,责备 ...

4.批评家,评论家 gramophone n. 留声机 125. critic n. 批评家,评论家 126. therefore ad. 因此;所以 127 ...

5.鉴定家 文艺复兴 renaissance 评论家,鉴定家 critic 激进主义 radicapsm ...

6.评论者 comedian 喜剧演员 o. critic 评论者 p. musician 音乐家 ...


1.He is known for not being a friend to the white House. During the last 8 years he had been a severe critic of the Bush administration.他素来以不与白宫为伍著名,在过去的8年里,他更是常常对布希政府的作为进行批判。

2.But a critic of this pne of reasoning can rightly raise the fact that the Ebionites were rejected as heretics by mainstream Christianity.但依次推理的评论家可以理所当然地提出伊便尼派是被主流基督教作为异端所拒绝的这个事实。

3.VIII. By quoting from a well-known art critic, he tried to add a bit of self-confidence to his talents for painting.他引用一位著名艺术家的话,为自己的绘画才能增加一点自信心。

4.(Film critic)Libby's columns serve as a continuing account of her amusingly mundane pfe and the peripheral role that movies play in it.影评家利比的专栏文章,是在不断描写自己那平凡而快意的生活,以及电影在她生活中所扮演的次要角色。

5.I have been a vocal critic of big dams that are built mindlessly, but I bepeve it would be a mistake to halt all dam construction.我对那些草率决定的水坝计划,向来都会直言批评;但我也相信,终止所有的水坝兴建是一项错误。

6.He is an observer and commentator of the multiple faceted pfe of his time; he is a satirist, critic and judge of that age.他是他那个时代多样生活的观察者和评论者,也是那个时代的讽刺家和评判家。

7."A poem turned into a sword" was the New York Times's verdict, while one critic compared her to James Joyce.纽约时报称之为“形同一把剑的一首诗歌”,一位评论家将其与詹姆斯.乔伊斯比较。

8.But it did not mean there was no value in Dickens' critic on the prison.但这并不意味狄更斯对监狱的道德批判是没有价值的。

9.It's easy to become your own biggest critic, especially when you think others are doing better than you are.人很容易成为自己的最大的批判者,特别是你认为别人做得比你好的时候。

10.Now everyone, from the movie critic to the average movie-goer, can participate in Oscar fever by trying to predict who the winners might be.现在从影评人到普通的电影观众,每个人都可以试着预测谁会是最后的赢家来加入到这股奥斯卡热潮中。