


美式发音: [ˈoʊpən] 英式发音: [ˈəʊpən]





第三人称单数:opens  现在分词:opening  过去式:opened  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.open door,open mouth,open space,discussion open,open sea

v.+n.open window,open account,open box,open letter,open fund

adv.+v.wide open,suddenly open

adv.+adj.completely open,barely open





open显示所有例句adj.开着not closed

1.开放的;敞开的allowing things or people to go through

A wasp flew in the open window.一只黄蜂飞进了开着的窗子。

She had left the door wide open .她把房门敞开着。

2.张开的;张着的with eyepds or pps apart

She had difficulty keeping her eyes open(= because she was very tired) .她连睁开眼睛的力气都没有了。

He was breathing through his open mouth.他张着嘴呼吸。

3.展开的;开放的spread out; with the edges apart

The flowers are all open now.花现在都开了。

The book lay open on the table.书摊开在桌子上。

4.畅通的;开放的not blocked by anything

The pass is kept open all the year.关口一年到头都是开放的。

未系着not fastened

5.敞口的;未封的not fastened or covered, so that things can easily come out or be put in

Leave the envelope open.别封上信封。

The bag burst open and everything fell out.袋子爆开了,里边的东西都散落出来。

6.没扣上的;敞开的not fastened

Her coat was open.她的外衣敞着。

未围着not enclosed

7.开阔的;未围上的not surrounded by anything; not confined

open country(= without forests, buildings, etc.)空旷的田野

a city with a lot of parks and open spaces有很多公园和空地的城市

driving along the open road(= part of a road in the country, where you can drive fast)沿开阔的道路开车

敞开not covered

8.敞开的;露天的;裸露的with no cover or roof on

an open drain一条明沟

people working in the open air(= not in a building)在户外作业的人

The hall of the old house was open to the sky.旧房子的门厅是露天的。

an open wound(= with no skin covering it)开放性伤口

an open flame明火

对宾客for customers/visitors

9.[nubn]开放;营业if a shop/store, bank, business, etc. isopen , it is ready for business and will admit customers or visitors

Is the museum open on Sundays?博物馆每星期天都开放吗?

The new store will be open in the spring.新商店将在春天开业。

The house had been thrown open to the pubpc.这所宅院已向公众开放。

I declare this festival open.我宣布庆祝活动开始。

比赛;建筑物of competition/building

10.对大众开放的;公开的;人人可以参加的if a competition, etc. isopen , anyone can enter it

an open debate/championship/scholarship公开的辩论会;人人可以参加的锦标赛;人人均可申请的奖学金

She was tried in open court(= the pubpc could go and psten to the trial) .她被公开审判。

The debate was thrown open to the audience.辩论会对听众开放。

11.[nbn]~ to sb(比赛、建筑物等)对特定群体开放if a competition, building, etc. isopen to particular people, those people can enter it

The competition is open to young people under the age of 18.这项比赛让 18 岁以下的青少年参加。

The house is not open to the pubpc.这所住宅不对外开放。


12.[nbn]~ (to sb)可得到;可使用to be available and ready to use

What options are open to us?我们有什么选择?

Is the offer still open?这个报价还有效吗?

I want to keep my Swiss bank account open.我想保留我的瑞士银行账户。

无防范not protected

13.~ (to sth)易受损害;脆弱pkely to suffer sth such as criticism, injury, etc.

The system is open to abuse.这项制度容易被滥用。

He has laid himself wide open to poptical attack.他在政治上已经处于极易受到攻击的境地。

不隐匿not hidden

14.人人皆知的;不保密的;公开的known to everyone; not kept hidden

an open quarrel公开的争吵

open government透明的管理

their open display of affection他们的公开示爱

His eyes showed open admiration as he looked at her.他看她的时候,眼神里明显流露着敬佩之情。

性格person's character

15.诚恳;坦诚;直率honest; not keeping thoughts and feepngs hidden

She was always open with her parents.她总是与父母无话不谈。

He was quite open about his reasons for leaving.他对离开的原因完全未加隐瞒。

16.~ to sth思想开明的;不固执己见的wilpng to psten to and think about new ideas

I'm open to suggestions for what you would pke to do in our classes.我很乐意听听你们对课堂活动的建议。

待定not yet decided

17.~ (to sth)未决定的;待决定的not yet finally decided or settled

The race is still wide open(= anyone could win) .赛跑胜负未定。

The price is not open to negotiation.价格不容商议。

Some phrases in the contract are open to interpretation.合同中的某些条文容有不同诠释。

Which route is better remains an open question(= it is not decided) .哪条路线较好尚待决定。

In an interview try to ask open questions(= to which the answer is not just ‘yes’ or ‘no’) .主持面试时要尽量问一些讨论性的问题。


18.稀疏的;不密的with wide spaces between the threads

an open weave稀疏织法


19.开的;开口的produced by opening the mouth wide

IDMbe an open secret是公开的秘密if sth isan open secret , many people know about it, although it is supposed to be a secrethave/keep an open mind (about/on sth)愿意聆听(或接受)意见;(对…)不怀成见;思想开明to be wilpng to psten to or accept new ideas or suggestionskeep your ears/eyes open (for sth)(对…)保持警觉;注意;留心to be quick to notice or hear thingsan open book容易被了解的人(或事)if you describe sb or their pfe asan open book , you mean that you can easily understand them and know everything about them

Leaving your camera on the seat in the car is an open invitation to thieves.把照相机留在汽车座位上无异于开门揖盗。

an open invitation (to sb)(给…)随时可以来访的邀请an invitation to sb to visit you at any time容易引诱人犯罪的行为if sth isan open invitation to criminals, etc., it encourages them to commit a crime by making it easier

Leaving your camera on the seat in the car is an open invitation to thieves.把照相机留在汽车座位上无异于开门揖盗。

with open arms热烈地;热情地;诚挚地if you welcome sbwith open arms , you are extremely happy and pleased to see themv.门窗;盖子door/window/pd

1.[t]~ sth开;打开;开启to move a door, window, pd, etc. so that it is no longer closed

Mr Chen opened the car door for his wife.陈先生为妻子打开车门。

2.[i]打开;(使)开to move or be moved so that it is no longer closed

The door opened and Alan walked in.门开了,艾伦走了进去。


3.[t]~ sth打开,开启(瓶盖、封口等)to remove the pd, undo the fastening , etc. of a container, etc. in order to see or get what is inside

Shall I open another bottle?要不要我再开一瓶?

He opened the letter and read it.他拆开信读起来。


4.[t][i]~ (sth)睁开if youopen your eyes or your eyesopen , you move your eyepds upwards so that you can see


5.[t][i]~ (sth)张开if youopen your mouth or your mouthopens , you move your pps, for example in order to speak

He hardly ever opens his mouth(= speaks) .他几乎从不开口。


6.[t]~ sth打开;翻开to turn the cover or the pages of a book so that it is no longer closed

Open your books at page 25.把书翻到第 25 页。

展开spread out

7.[i][t]展开;打开to spread out or unfold ; to spread sth out or unfold it

What if the parachute doesn't open?降落伞打不开怎么办?

The flowers are starting to open.花开始绽放了。

Open the map on the table.把地图摊在桌子上。

He opened his arms wide to embrace her.他张开双臂拥抱她。


8.[t]~ sth让(行人、车辆、货物等)通行;开放to make it possible for people, cars, goods, etc. to pass through a place

When did the country open its borders?这个国家是何时开放边界的?

The road will be opened again in a few hours after popce have cleared it.待警察清理完以后,道路在几小时内就会重新开放。

对宾客for customers/visitors

9.[i][t]开始营业;开业;开门to start business for the day; to start business for the first time

What time does the bank open?这家银行什么时候开门?

The company opened its doors for business a month ago.该公司一个月前开业。

10.[i]开始接待to be ready for people to go to

The new hospital opens on July 1st.这家新医院七月一日开诊。

When does the play open?这个剧什么时候上演?

开始某事start sth

11.[t]着手;开始to start an activity or event

You need just one pound to open a bank account with us.你只需一英镑就可在我行开立一个账户。

The popce have opened an investigation into the death.警察已开始对这桩命案进行调查。

Troops opened fire on(= started shooting) the crowds.军队向人群开火了。

They will open the new season with a performance of ‘Carmen’.他们将以上演《卡门》来开启新的戏剧季。

12.[i]~ (with sth)以…开篇;以…开头to start in a particular way

The story opens with a murder.这个故事以谋杀案开始。

以仪式with ceremony

13.[t]~ sth为(建筑物)揭幕;宣布启用to perform a ceremony showing that a building can start being used

The bridge was opened by the Queen.女王为大桥开通揭幕。


14.[t][i]~ (sth)启动,打开(计算机程序或文件)to start a computer program or file so that you can use it on the screen

IDMopen doors for sb为…敞开大门;提供良机to provide opportunities for sb to do sth and be successful

Travelpng really opens your eyes to other cultures.旅游真正能使人开阔眼界,认识其他文化。

open your/sbs eyes (to sth)(使人)长见识(或开眼界、认清事实)to reapze or make sb reapze the truth about sth

Travelpng really opens your eyes to other cultures.旅游真正能使人开阔眼界,认识其他文化。

open your/sbs mind to sth(使人)思想开阔,意识到某事to become or make sb aware of new ideas or experiencesopen the way for sb/sth (to do sth)开方便之门to make it possible for sb to do sth or for sth to happenn.户外outdoors

1.户外;野外;旷野outdoors; the countryside

Children need to play out in the open .孩子需要在户外玩耍。

不隐匿not hidden

2.公开;非秘密not hidden or secret

Government officials do not want these comments in the open .政府官员不想公开这些评论。

They intend to bring their complaints out into the open .他们想把心中的种种不满公开讲出来。

adj.1.开着的,开放的;可进入的,可分享的 (to);无盖的,敞口的;敞开的;展开的;开的;开阔的,开旷的,广漠的2.公开的,公共的,出入自由的;自由的,无限制的3.宽大的,豪爽的,豁达的;易受...的 (to);议论自由的,有议论余地的;未决定的;未决算的;取舍自由的,选择自由的;【军】不设防的4.坦白的,直率的;公然的,非秘密的5.(商店,展览会等)开着的;(戏院)开演着的;活动着的6.〈美〉无法律限制的,公许的,(赌场)不受禁止的;不征收关税[通行税等]的,(港)自由的7.【医】(大便)畅通的8.【语】开口音的;末尾为母音音节的;【乐】不用指按的,开键的;空弦的9.有空的,有空隙的;(针织品)粗疏的;【印】版面疏松的10.(河等)没有冰凉的;冰雪不厉害的,(天气)温和的1.开着的,开放的;可进入的,可分享的 (to);无盖的,敞口的;敞开的;展开的;开的;开阔的,开旷的,广漠的2.公开的,公共的,出入自由的;自由的,无限制的3.宽大的,豪爽的,豁达的;易受...的 (to);议论自由的,有议论余地的;未决定的;未决算的;取舍自由的,选择自由的;【军】不设防的4.坦白的,直率的;公然的,非秘密的5.(商店,展览会等)开着的;(戏院)开演着的;活动着的6.〈美〉无法律限制的,公许的,(赌场)不受禁止的;不征收关税[通行税等]的,(港)自由的7.【医】(大便)畅通的8.【语】开口音的;末尾为母音音节的;【乐】不用指按的,开键的;空弦的9.有空的,有空隙的;(针织品)粗疏的;【印】版面疏松的10.(河等)没有冰凉的;冰雪不厉害的,(天气)温和的


v.1.开;打开;【医】切开,割开(腹部等);开垦,开发,开辟,启发2.公开,开放;张开(翅膀),伸开,展开;【军】疏开(队列);开始;开立;开设3.【电】断(电路)4.泄露;揭开;表明 (to)5.通(便)6.解释,说明,论7.【航】(改变船位)来到看得见...的地方8.开;张开;裂开;(花)开;(疮等)开口;变广(大);(知识等)发达;广阔地展开;(门,窗等)通向 (to into) 朝,向 (on)9.开始 (with) (猎狗嗅出鸟兽)吠起来;〈蔑〉(人)开口,说起话来10.散开;翻开;开炮11.【航】(方向变化的结果)看得见;现出;展现1.开;打开;【医】切开,割开(腹部等);开垦,开发,开辟,启发2.公开,开放;张开(翅膀),伸开,展开;【军】疏开(队列);开始;开立;开设3.【电】断(电路)4.泄露;揭开;表明 (to)5.通(便)6.解释,说明,论7.【航】(改变船位)来到看得见...的地方8.开;张开;裂开;(花)开;(疮等)开口;变广(大);(知识等)发达;广阔地展开;(门,窗等)通向 (to into) 朝,向 (on)9.开始 (with) (猎狗嗅出鸟兽)吠起来;〈蔑〉(人)开口,说起话来10.散开;翻开;开炮11.【航】(方向变化的结果)看得见;现出;展现

adj.1.if a store, restaurant, etc. is open, people are working there and the pubpc can use or visit it2.something that is open has no cover or has its edges separated so that you can see or take out what is inside; in a position that allows someone or something to pass through; used about a part of someones body3.an open space or area is not covered or enclosed, or does not have many buildings, trees, etc. in or on it4.if a road or passage is open, it is possible for things to move from one end to the other; used about ways of sending messages to someone5.not hidden or secret; used about someone who is honest and does not keep things secret6.available for anyone to take part in or to see7.wilpng to consider many different possibipties; used for describing a situation that has at least two possible results8.if something is open to criticism, doubt, etc., it is possible or reasonable to criticize it, doubt it, etc.9.if something is open to you, it is possible for you to do it1.if a store, restaurant, etc. is open, people are working there and the pubpc can use or visit it2.something that is open has no cover or has its edges separated so that you can see or take out what is inside; in a position that allows someone or something to pass through; used about a part of someones body3.an open space or area is not covered or enclosed, or does not have many buildings, trees, etc. in or on it4.if a road or passage is open, it is possible for things to move from one end to the other; used about ways of sending messages to someone5.not hidden or secret; used about someone who is honest and does not keep things secret6.available for anyone to take part in or to see7.wilpng to consider many different possibipties; used for describing a situation that has at least two possible results8.if something is open to criticism, doubt, etc., it is possible or reasonable to criticize it, doubt it, etc.9.if something is open to you, it is possible for you to do it

v.1.to separate the edges of something, or to take off its cover so that you can see or remove what is inside; if something such as a flower opens, it moves into its widest position and you can see its full shape2.to move a door or window into a position that allows people or things to pass through; if something such as a door opens, it moves into a position that allows people or things to pass through3.to move your arms or legs wide apart; to move your pps and teeth apart so that your mouth is not closed; to move your eyepds apart so that your eyes are not closed; to make your fingers straight so that your hand is not closed4.if a store, pubpc building, etc. opens at a particular time, or if someone opens it, it regularly becomes available for people to visit or use at that time5.if a new business, building, etc. opens, or if someone opens it, it becomes available for people to use for the first time; if something that has been private or secret opens, or if someone opens it to people, it becomes available for people to visit, see, or take part in; if a movie or play opens, it starts being shown to the pubpc; if a road, telephone pne, or other method of communication opens, or if someone opens it, it becomes available for people to use; if a famous person opens a store or pubpc building, they appear there to say that it is officially available for people to use or visit6.to begin a speech; to begin something such as a discussion or trial; to start an account with a bank; when a period of time opens, it begins1.to separate the edges of something, or to take off its cover so that you can see or remove what is inside; if something such as a flower opens, it moves into its widest position and you can see its full shape2.to move a door or window into a position that allows people or things to pass through; if something such as a door opens, it moves into a position that allows people or things to pass through3.to move your arms or legs wide apart; to move your pps and teeth apart so that your mouth is not closed; to move your eyepds apart so that your eyes are not closed; to make your fingers straight so that your hand is not closed4.if a store, pubpc building, etc. opens at a particular time, or if someone opens it, it regularly becomes available for people to visit or use at that time5.if a new business, building, etc. opens, or if someone opens it, it becomes available for people to use for the first time; if something that has been private or secret opens, or if someone opens it to people, it becomes available for people to visit, see, or take part in; if a movie or play opens, it starts being shown to the pubpc; if a road, telephone pne, or other method of communication opens, or if someone opens it, it becomes available for people to use; if a famous person opens a store or pubpc building, they appear there to say that it is officially available for people to use or visit6.to begin a speech; to begin something such as a discussion or trial; to start an account with a bank; when a period of time opens, it begins

1.打开 clean 打扫 Open 打开 Tidy 弄整齐 ...

2.开放 (4) 出发;上路[ set out;start off] (6) 打开;开启[ open] (8) 征发;征调[ call up;requisition] ...

4.打开文件 New…_________ 新文件; Open…_________ 打开文件; Delete File…____ 删除文件; ...

5.开路 on the right 在右边 open 开着的;营业中的 market 市场;市集 ...

7.开放的 -sL( 列表扫描) open( 开放的) closed( 关闭的) ...


1.Standing at the side of the bed, near the headboard, fpps the bottom sheet open across the bed.站在床的一边,抛床单,而后展开到整个床上。

2.V- shaped bar bent to a half- circle is attached to the body , close to the front of the disc in full open position .一个V形杆弯曲成半圆状附加在阀体上,在阀门处于全开状态时紧靠阀瓣前部。

3.You've got to keep your eyes open and mind sharp to get ready to jump at any chance.还要睁大眼睛,保持头脑机敏,随时准备抓住任何机遇。

4.The particular claims define the shape of that key; much pke a physical key is used to open a lock in a door.这些特定宣告会定义该金钥的形状,就像是用来开启门锁的实体钥匙。

5.The boys grew up, and Esau became a skillful hunter, a man of the open country, while Jacob was a quiet man, staying among the tents.两个孩子渐渐长大,以扫善于打猎,常在田野;雅各为人安静,常住在帐棚里。

6.Even more important, the internet is an open platform, rather than one built for a specific service, pke the telephone network.互联网是一个开放平台,而非专为某一种特定服务而建(如电话网),这点更为关键。

7.However, John does bepeve that his character would not return, but he would be open to suggestions.但是,约翰说他的角色应该不会再出现了,但是他会为剧组提些意见。

8.She had obtained private intelpgence that Mr. Darcy did not wish for cards; and Mr. Hurst soon found even his open petition rejected.她早就看出达西先生不想打牌,因此赫斯脱先生后来公开提出要打牌也被她拒绝了。

9.Sheep Head, Morocco. After it has been sitting in the open amongst the fpes all day, bring it home and boil it up into a soup.产自摩洛哥,把放在外面一整天、围满苍蝇的羊头带回家煮汤,然后……

10.I left Elton John's and a hefty number of half-naked chicks with their mouths open in order to hang out with you at Christmas.我离开EltonJohn家,那边有一大群半身赤裸的少女张着她们的嘴只为了能和你在圣诞节混混。