


美式发音: [ˈwini] 英式发音: [ˈwiːni]






1.懦弱的人;窝囊废a person who is not strong, brave or confident

Don't be such a weenie!别这么窝囊!

2.小鸡鸡(指阴茎,尤用于儿语)a word for a penis , used especially by children


n.1.<spoken,AmE>Same as wiener2.a wiener

1.维尼 Christina( 克里斯汀那) 好有女人味的名字 weenie( 维尼) Jane( 简) ...

2.微小的 lead vt. 领导, 引导, 致使 weenie adj. 微小的, 细小的 satin n. 缎子, 假缎, 缎纹 ...

3.熏肉香肠 Weeks……calendar,weak 月历,虚弱 Weiner……frankfurter,weenie 德国香肠,

4.牛肉熏香肠 ... 4、 weed out 剔除,清除 5、 weenie n. 牛肉熏香肠,猪牛肉混合香肠 6、 moisture n. 湿度,水分 ...

5.猪牛肉混合香肠 ... 4、 weed out 剔除,清除 5、 weenie n. 牛肉熏香肠,猪牛肉混合香肠 6、 moisture n. 湿度,水分 ...

6.蠢蛋 ②fish tank 鱼缸,很简单,呃 ④weenie 蠢蛋 ⑤oat 燕麦(被采的花) ...

7.德国香肠 Weeks……calendar,weak 月历,虚弱 Weiner……frankfurter,weenie 德国香肠, …


1.Before Jeanine even turned 40, her legs began to hurt. Deep into my aerobics period, I teased her: "It's because you're such a weenie. "珍妮在40岁之后,腿部开始疼痛,我那时每天都坚持做有氧健身操,我开玩笑地说“这是因为你是这样的一个女孩。”

2.Your weenie is out in the wind for everyone to see!你的私处吹著风,让大家都看到了!

3.Ike: Look, I refuse to sing a song about a weenie pttle mouse who's afraid of a pttle tick- tock . Next.艾克:听着,任何有辱我们老鼠家族的歌曲我都拒绝演唱,换一个。

4.These achievements are my intervention to those weenie experiences of pfe. I mobipze all my energy to touch those dribs and drabs.这些结果是我对生活细微体验的干预,我调动自身所有的能量去触碰那些微小的点滴。

5.Weenie yellow polka dot bikini that she wore for the first time today.那是一件黄色圆点花纹小小的比基尼,她今天第一次穿上它。

6.So you have to make things rough for them and weed out the weenie trees early on.所以,你得把它们的生长环境变得艰苦些,尽早淘汰那些弱不禁风的树。

7.Oh, yes, the weenie from Turinie.对,托里尼来的蠢蛋

8.You can walk in the park proudly carrying a Teenie weenie fatter than you with a big pink cotton candy in your hands.拿着硕大的粉红色棉花糖,抱着一只比你还胖的维尼熊,洋洋得意地走在游乐园当中。

9.What are you being such a weenie for? So he has a Barbie. Big deal.你干嘛这么小家子气他有个芭比,有什么大不了?

10.Weenie Roast: Have 2 enemy Scouts on fire at the same time.维尼烤肉:同时点燃两个敌兵。