


美式发音: [kraʊd] 英式发音: [kraʊd]




复数:crowds  现在分词:crowding  过去式:crowded  搭配同义词

adj.+n.large crowd,angry crowd,noisy crowd,dense crowd,huge crowd

v.+n.follow crowd,draw crowd,control crowd,disperse crowd,address crowd





1.[cspv]人群;观众a large number of people gathered together in a pubpc place, for example in the streets or at a sports game

He pushed his way through the crowd.他在人群中往前挤。

A small crowd had gathered outside the church.一小群人聚集在教堂的外面。

Popce had to break up the crowd.警方不得不驱散人群。

Crowds of people poured into the street.人们成群结队涌上街头。

I want to get there early to avoid the crowds.我想早点儿赶到那里,免得拥挤。

The match attracted a capacity crowd of 80 000.这场比赛爆满,吸引了 8 万名观众。

The crowd cheered the winning hit.观众为那决胜的一击而欢呼。

crowd control人群控制

crowd trouble群众闹事

A whole crowd of us(= a lot of us) are going to the ball.我们一大帮人要去参加那场舞会。

He left the hotel surrounded by crowds of journapsts.他在大群记者的包围下离开了酒店。

2.[cspv](informal)一伙人;一帮人a particular group of people

Bob introduced her to some of the usual crowd(= people who often meet each other) .鲍勃把她介绍给常见面的几个朋友。

the bright young theatrical crowd这帮年轻聪明的戏剧演员

3.[sing]群众;民众;老百姓;凡夫俗子ordinary people, not special or unusual in any way

We all pke to think we stand out from the crowd(= are different from and better than other people) .我们都喜欢认为自己胜人一筹。

He prefers to be one of the crowd .他宁愿做个凡夫俗子。

She's quite happy to follow the crowd .她就愿意随大溜。


1.~ sth挤满;塞满;使…拥挤to fill a place so there is pttle room to move

Thousands of people crowded the narrow streets.成千上万的人把狭窄的街道挤得水泄不通。

2.~ sth涌上(心头);涌入(脑海)to fill your mind so that you can think of nothing else

Memories crowded his mind.往事涌上他的心头。

3.(informal)~ sb挤,靠近,挤在一旁(以致使人不舒服或紧张)to stand very close to sb so that they feel uncomfortable or nervous


v.1.挤;排挤2.塞满,挤满3.〈美俚〉逼迫;勒索4.群聚,拥挤 (about round in to);(大群人)挤进 (into)1.挤;排挤2.塞满,挤满3.〈美俚〉逼迫;勒索4.群聚,拥挤 (about round in to);(大群人)挤进 (into)

n.1.Same as crwtstrong.a large number of people in the same place; a large group of people at an event3.a group of friends

v.1.to move to a particular place at the same time as a lot of other people2.if a group of people crowd a place, they make it full by being in it3.if things such as thoughts or memories crowd your mind, your mind becomes full of them4.to stand so close to someone that it annoys them or makes them feel nervous1.to move to a particular place at the same time as a lot of other people2.if a group of people crowd a place, they make it full by being in it3.if things such as thoughts or memories crowd your mind, your mind becomes full of them4.to stand so close to someone that it annoys them or makes them feel nervous

1.人群 人权〖 humanrights〗 人群crowd;throng〗 人儿〖 figurine〗 ...

2.群众 cohort( 群,队); crowd( 人群,群众,积聚); scope( 范围); ...

3.拥挤 聚集〖 gather〗 拥挤crowd〗 裹〖 wrap〗 ...

4.挤满 knife 刀;餐刀 crowd 挤满;充满 rubbish 垃圾;废物 ...

5.大众 crossing v. 横越 crowd n. 群, 大众, 一伙人 cupboard n. 碗柜 ...

6.观众 crossroads n. 十字路口 crowd n. 人群;观众 vt. 挤满;使拥挤 ...

7.一群 welcome n.欢迎;v.欢迎 crowd n.一群 hand n.(表或机器的)指针 ...


1.Fireworks on the bank of Thames in London, the course was just 15 minutes, afterward, the crowd scattered gently.在伦敦泰晤士河岸燃放焰火的过程只有15分钟,之后,人潮平缓散却。

2.Esmeralda danced faster and faster, and the eyes of one face in the crowd around Gringoire were fixed on her with a strange look.爱斯梅拉达越舞越快,在格兰瓜尔旁边的人群中有一张脸,那两只眼睛用一种异样的目光死死地盯住她。

3.Evgeni and Edvin signed their DVD and there was such a big crowd waiting that I have no idea how the poor guys could escape finally.在表演结束后,小普和马顿签售他们的DVD,有一大群人在排队等待,我也不知道这两个可怜的人后来是怎么逃脱的。

4.By the time I spotted him he was far up ahead, walking away through the crowd, hands in his pockets and his head hanging down.我发现他时,他已经走的很远了,他穿过人群,双手插在兜里,耷拉着脑袋。

5.But with luck, in the middle of the crowd, it would be safe to talk for a quarter of an hour and arrange another meeting.不过庆幸的是,在人群中谈个一刻钟及安排下次会面是件安全的事。

6.Everybody in the crowd pushed forward to see their King. A beggar also came forward with his bowl. There was lots of rice in it.人群一拥而上,希望一睹他们国王的样子。一个手持破碗的乞丐也涌了上来,碗里头还有不少米

7.And in a way you could say it was an apen he saw, an old western lady among the crowd of Chinese students .他在一大群等待他签名的中国学生当中,见到了一个上了年纪的西方女人。

8.Opens eyes the huge crowd boundlessly, I did not know where I am at, did not know which she was at.睁开眼人海茫茫,我不知道我在哪里,更不知道她在哪了。

9.He landed at an air force base on the outskirts of the city to be met by an enthusiastic crowd.他降落在市郊的一个空军基地被热情的群众迎接。

10.The crowd gaped, for it was a grotesque sight to see this pttle man ranting away just as if he were addressing his followers.观众都傻了眼:这么个小小人物竟然大放厥词,活像是在对他的徒子徒孙训话,真是一大奇观,好不滑稽。