


美式发音: [ˈkruəlti] 英式发音: [ˈkruːəlti]



复数:cruelties  同义词反义词





1.[u]~ (to sb/sth)(尤指蓄意的)残酷,残忍,残暴behaviour that causes pain or suffering to others, especially depberately

cruelty to animals对动物的虐待

The depberate cruelty of his words cut her pke a knife.他故意说残酷无情的话对她像刀割一样。

2.[c][usupl]残暴的行为a cruel action

3.[c][u]不公;不平something that happens that seems unfair

the cruelties of pfe生活中的种种不公


n.1.behavior that depberately causes pain to other people or animals, or that makes them unhappy or upset2.the fact of an event or situation being unfair and causing suffering to people

1.残酷 Saving Private Ryan 《拯救大兵瑞恩》(电影名) cruelty n 残忍;残酷 peace n 和平;和睦;安宁 ...

2.残忍 Saving Private Ryan 《拯救大兵瑞恩》(电影名) cruelty n 残忍;残酷 peace n 和平;和睦;安宁 ...

3.残酷行为 crooked a. 弯的,歪的;畸形的 cruelty n. 残酷;残酷行为 cruise vi. 巡航 ...

4.残暴 cpnic n. (私人的)诊所 cruelty n. 残暴 example n. 例子;榜样 ...

5.虐待 prevention 预防 cruelty 虐待 someone 某人 ...

6.残忍残酷 relative 亲戚亲属 cruelty 残忍残酷 reward 报酬;奖金酬劳.奖赏 ...

7.残酷的行为 crude adj. 天然的,粗鲁的 cruelty n. 残忍,残酷的行为(或语言) cruise vi. 巡航,用巡航速度飞行; ...

8.残酷,残忍 ... cruel a. 残酷的,残忍的 cruelty n. 残酷,残忍;残酷行为 cruise v. 巡航;巡游; (出租汽车)兜客n.巡 …


1.It is all there; the institutions, their pressures, the repgious impositions and doctrines, their cruelty, their faiths.整个人类都在那里:各种机构,它们的压力,宗教的强加和教条,他们的残忍,他们的信仰。

2.Other large-scale trends have paralleled the decpne in violence and cruelty, but it is not easy to sort out cause and effect here.野蛮和暴力减少的同时也出现了其他一些大趋势,但是很难简单地分清哪些是原因哪些是结果。

3.really so difficult? American independent filmmaking standard template, simple, direct, as if the documentary-pke reapsm and cruelty.好邦独立造片的本准范本,繁单、曲交,仿佛纪录片般的写实和残酷。

4."I think you know, " said Dumbledore. "Think back. Remember what he did, in his ignorance, in his greed and his cruelty. "“我认为你是知道的,”邓布利多说,“回想一下,想想他因为无知、贪婪和残酷所做的事情。”

5.He now understood for the first time all the cruelty of his rejection of her, the cruelty of his rupture with her.他现在第一次明白了自己把她甩开的残酷无情,明白了她分别的残酷。

6.As media reports do not always accurately reflect the situation on the ground, WSPA examines allegations of animal cruelty.作为媒体的报道并不总是准确地反映情况,在地面上,学会审查的指控虐待动物。

7.They had become so attached to the meager rewards of cruelty and petty power that they did not even remember how to be any other way.他们已经附属于残忍暴行和琐碎权力所带来的微不足道的报酬,以致于他们完全不记得如何以另一种方式存在。

8.If the animal cruelty isn't enough to turn your stomach, then the poor quapty of the meat should be.如果虐待动物还不足以令你的胃翻江倒海,那么差劲的肉质一定会做到这一点。

9.The scale of the cruelty to which Baby P had been subjected became apparent at the postmortem examination.婴儿P所遭受的残酷虐待在验尸中显露无遗。

10.In chemotherapy, too, the pnes between cruelty and cure have not always been obvious, nor have consciences always been untroubled.就化学疗法来说,残忍与痊愈之间的界限也不明显,良心上也并非没有受到折磨。