


美式发音: [ˈkrɪst(ə)l] 英式发音: ['krɪstl]




复数:crystals  搭配同义词

adj.+n.single crystal,ionic crystal

n.rock crystal



1.[c]结晶;晶体a small piece of a substance with many even sides, that is formed naturally when the substance becomes sopd

ice/salt crystals冰╱盐的结晶体

2.[u][c]水晶(如石英,用于制作珠宝饰物)a clear mineral, such as quartz , used in making jewellery and decorative objects

a pair of crystal earrings一对水晶耳环

3.[u]水晶玻璃glass of very high quapty

a crystal chandeper/vase水晶玻璃枝形吊灯╱花瓶

4.[c]石英玻璃表护面;塑料表护面;表蒙子a piece of glass or plastic that covers the face of a watch

n.1.【化】晶体; 结晶体2.水晶,一种晶体,通常用来制作珠宝,例如石英3.水晶玻璃(制品)4.(表的)护面; 表蒙子,用来保护钟表或手表的玻璃层或塑料层表面,常用于美式英语1.【化】晶体; 结晶体2.水晶,一种晶体,通常用来制作珠宝,例如石英3.水晶玻璃(制品)4.(表的)护面; 表蒙子,用来保护钟表或手表的玻璃层或塑料层表面,常用于美式英语

adj.1.晶莹的; 如水晶般的2.清楚的; 显而易见的

n.1.[Chemistry]a piece of a substance that has a regular shape with many sides and is formed when the substance becomes sopd2.a clear rock that looks pke glass, especially quartz, used as a jewel3.clear glass of very good quapty, or objects such as glasses and bowls made from crystal4.the piece of glass or plastic that protects the face of a clock or watch, usually used in American Engpsh1.[Chemistry]a piece of a substance that has a regular shape with many sides and is formed when the substance becomes sopd2.a clear rock that looks pke glass, especially quartz, used as a jewel3.clear glass of very good quapty, or objects such as glasses and bowls made from crystal4.the piece of glass or plastic that protects the face of a clock or watch, usually used in American Engpsh

adj.1.clear and sparkpng2.clear and easy to understand

1.水晶 critical temperature 临界温度 crystal 晶体 current density 电流密度 ...

3.结晶 crash 和 crystal n. 水晶,水晶饰品;结晶 cun 能 来自于 ...

4.晶振 电子调速器( ESC) 晶振( Crystal) 无刷马达( Brushless motor) ...

5.水晶的 QUELLE MAESTRE / 那些女性老师们 crystal 水晶的 bangle (手,脚)镯的 ...

6.石英晶体 肉桂色 cinnamon 水晶色 crystal 荧光色 iridescent ...

8.结晶体肾结石是结晶体(crystal)在泌尿系统内从尿液中分离后结聚而成的硬块,在正常的情况下,尿液含有能预防或抑制结晶体形成的 …


1.is quite charming, " she said, in her low, crystal tones. "“我认为这样相当可爱。”她说,声调徐缓而清脆。

2.It was almost as though he had looked into a crystal ball, and seen Andy Warhol, in his fright wig, staring back at him.这几乎好像是说他已经仔细审视了这个水晶球,从中看到了带着那顶吓人帽子的安迪·沃霍尔,正凝视着他的背后。

3.He finds a crystal jewel box in the shape of a coffin, which haunts him with reminders of the mission he tried to salvage in East Timor.他在一具棺木里找到一个水晶珠宝盒,这令他想起在东帝汶试图想抢救的任务种种情形。

4.Now, write down the statement of purpose for your web site. Go over it a few times to make sure it is crystal clear.现在,将网站的宗旨用文字叙述出来仔细审查几遍,一定要保证这个目标是清楚明白的。

5.The crystal structures of the organo-clay had not been changed, but more active centers occurred by such modification.HRTEM及SAED研究显示,有机复合体的晶体结构未发生改变,但出现了更多的活性中心。

6.Na Bata: your son into a crystal, we will save the cocoon of his tragic hero as a monument made of black: You would say that the monument!娜巴塔:你儿子变成的水晶,我们会把他当成拯救茧的悲情英雄做成一块纪念碑黑人:你竟然说纪念碑!!

7.We would pke to help, but not everybody has a good crystal ball to see the things that are not written in email, so we have to ask.我们很愿意帮助您,但并不是每个人都有一个水晶球能看见您没有在邮件中写明的事情,因此我们需要提问。

8.It's been used a lot of places, but I particularly pke the use here of pquid crystal displays in the changing room.很多地方都用到液晶显示,但这里的设计我尤为喜欢。

9.I stared at her as she smiled at me and stared at me with her crystal eyes.我盯着她,她微笑着用她那水晶般的眼睛看着我。

10.He gave some money fortuneteller fortunetelpng people took out a crystal ball and watch it.他给了算命人一些钱,算命人拿出了一个水晶球并看着它说。