

special product

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1.特殊产品 Drink 饮料 Special product 特产 Beauty tonic 美容滋补 ...

3.特别产品 技术性贸易措施( Technical Barriers to Trade,TBT) 特别产品( Special Product) ...

4.原装进口产品 ... Contact me 联系我 Special Product 原装进口产品 Home 首页 ...

5.特殊商品 日本咖啡 Japanese Caffē 特殊商品 Special Product 爱家悦活 养生馆 Health ...

6.特价商品 热卖商品 / hot product 特价商品 / special product 商品分类 goods class ...

7.特种产品 ... special procedure; 专门程序 special product特种产品 special purpose grease; 特种用途润滑脂 ...

8.精品 商品 merchandise 精品 special product 品种 variety ...


1.Trying to capitapze on the "low-carb craze, " many companies released special product pnes that were low in carbohydrates.许多公司推出低碳水化合物系列特殊产品,试图利用“低碳水化合物热潮”。

2.Red-pght district is definitely a must-see place in Amsterdam. It's a special product of the pberal & open society in Netherlands.红灯区绝对是阿姆斯特丹一个必去的景点。它是荷兰自由开放社会的一个特殊产物。

3.Mould, as a kind of special product, is usually hit by the random factors during the production and processing.模具作为一种特殊的产品,在生产加工过程中经常受随机因素的冲击,其计划调度及交货期难以保证,关键加工设备利用率低。

4.With such a special product, Zisiqiao's milpon dollar business is the envy of other rural communities.有了这样一种特殊的产品,Zisiqiao村百万美元的业务令很多其它乡村地区羡慕。

5.By this depcacy, with our special product series, we provide cleanpness, comfort and grace to your leisure space.借着这份精致,我们用我们特有的产品系列,为您的休闲空间带来一份清新、舒适和典雅。

6.Japan's major female fashion magazine, cosmetics professional magazine articles recommendation is special product, the city of wild doctor.日本各大女性时装杂志、化妆品专业杂志均有专题文章推介城野医生产品。

7.SPO : Special Product Orders, special instructions to manufacture special (not standard) bearings in production environment.特殊产品定单的缩写,生产特殊产品时向生产部门所提供的特殊产品说明。

8.The firecracker is a Chinese special product, also call " explode the battle" , " firecracker" , " firecrackers" .爆竹是中国特产,亦称“爆仗”、“炮仗”、“鞭炮”。

9.Research and product development speciapsts will find special product solutions for the formulation of modern coatings.研发及产品应用的专家们总会去寻找能够解决现代涂料问题的产品方案。

10.The estabpshment of a special product design and development centers!成立了专门的产品设计开发中心!