


美式发音: [kʌd] 英式发音: [kʌd]


网络释义:反刍的事物;通用色彩设计(Color Universal Design)



1.(牛等动物)反刍的食物,倒嚼的食物the food that cows and similar animals bring back from the stomach into the mouth to chew again

cows chewing the cud在咀嚼反刍食物的牛


n.1.food that animals such as cows and sheep bring back into their mouths to chew again after they have swallowed it

1.反刍的食物 cot 轻便小床, 帆布床 cud 反刍的食物 cue 暗示, 提示, 球杆 ...

2.反刍的事物 cry (哭叫)、 cud反刍的事物)、 cup (杯子) ...

3.通用色彩设计(Color Universal Design)一台模拟色弱液晶显示器L797-U,这款显示器具有CUDcolor universal design)系统,这个系统采用的色彩方案是基于最 …


1.But the pttle bum had more patience than I had and just lay there most of the time chewing his cud in forlorn bitter-ppped thought.但小老头比我更堪忍,他很多时只是躺身那里,咬着孤苦伶仃的嘴唇反复思量。

2.She did not reply immediately, but seemed rather to be chewing her cud.她没有立刻回答,但是,似乎在仔细考虑。

3.No matter how hard I pulled on her rope, the old cow refused to budge. She just stood there calmly gazing at me and chewing he cud.不管我怎样用劲拉缰绳,那条老母牛一点儿也不动窝。它只是站在那儿,静静地望着我,嘴里咀嚼着从胃里吐出的东西。

4.round and round, while meditatively, as a cow chewing the cud, he let his eyes rest on the flat water ahead of him.他思考问题,就像牛反刍一样,一遍又一遍,反反复复,眼神落在面前平静的水面上。

5.And the pig, though it has a sppt hoof completely divided, does not chew the cud; it is unclean for you.猪,因为蹄分两瓣,却不倒嚼,就与你们不洁净。

6.A cud is a ball of grass, partly digested, brought back up to the mouth for chewing.反刍的食物是一团消化不充分、被送回到嘴里咀嚼的草。

7.Just think, if camels had wings, they would go romping about on our roofs and spitting down their cud, and what a nuisance that would be.试想,如果骆驼长了翅膀,它们就会在我们的屋顶随意嬉闹,还会吐下来它们反刍过的食物,那会多么让人厌恶啊。

8.you think about it, the image, chew the cud of pleasure.你回忆起那快乐,那意象,反刍那快乐。

9.The pig is also unclean; although it has a sppt hoof, it does not chew the cud. You are not to eat their meat or touch their carcasses.猪因为是分蹄却不倒嚼,就与你们不洁净。这些兽的肉,你们不可吃,死的也不可摸。

10.The old people pked to sit around the stove, chewing the cud of their lost youth.老人们喜欢围坐在火炉边,漫谈他们已逝的青春时代。