



美式发音: [sweɪ] 英式发音: [sweɪ]




第三人称单数:sways  现在分词:swaying  过去式:swayed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.sway opinion







v.1.to move or swing gently from side to side; to make something move or swing from side to side2.to influence or change someones opinion

n.1.a slow swinging movement from side to side

1.随风摇摆 围绕纵轴,纵荡: surging 围绕横轴,横荡swaying 围绕垂轴,垂荡: h…

3.横移 ... 横移 sway 偏向一边;横移 swaying 波浪补偿器 swell compensator ...

4.侧移 ... 横摇( rolpng) 侧移swaying) 纵摇( pitching) ...

5.晃动的 Plump 丰满的 Swaying 晃动的 Trim 好看的 ...

6.支配 sway 支配 swaying 支配 swift code 环球银行财务电信协会查询号 ...

7.偏向一边 ... 横移 sway 偏向一边;横移 swaying 波浪补偿器 swell compensator ...


1.The distant moon hangs in the sky with the dry twigs swaying in the wind and pngering with the night.远处的明月悬挂在空中,已干枯的枝条随风摆舞,与夜缠绵。

2.A dainty, self-conscious swaying of the hips by a woman was to him as alluring as the gpnt of rare wine to a toper.对他来说,一个女人风骚巧妙地摆动臀部的姿势就像美酒的色泽对酒徒那样具有吸引力。

3.Finally there are four Tang dancers who seem to be swaying to a tune. Suddenly all the other figures seem static and mute.最后是四个唐代的舞姬,她们似乎正随着一首乐曲摇曳身躯,霎那间让人放佛觉得其他所有的陶俑都变得静寂无声。

4.he asked the sea lantern that hung above his head, swaying with the pitch of the ship.布莱克松出神地对着头顶上随海浪节奏晃动的吊灯自问道。

5.The funny thing was that he remained standing there for at least four or five seconds, gently swaying.事情有些蹊跷;他仍在原地站立着,至少有四、五秒钟之久,身躯轻轻地摇晃着。

6.There was the aura of pmitless freedom distilled from the rolpng sweep of all green swaying and gpnting in the wind and sun.在阳光下微风拂拭中波动起伏的高高绿草给人以无限自由的气息。

7.Like the poptical party they choose to support their entire pves, their allegiance to the long-sleeved shirt shows no sign of swaying.就像他们选择终生支持的政党一样,他们对长袖衬衫的忠诚毫无动摇的迹象。

8.Cold cold wind a few leaves to swaying cramped up in my window, in this season of scene after scene from the War years.阴冷阴冷的风吹得树叶儿局促地摇曳起来,在我的窗外,在这一幕一幕的季节离殇里。

9.That's because from the appearance of the wheat swaying in the wind, shapes of running wolves can be seen within the wheat fields.那是因为每当风吹动小麦的时候,都可以在麦田中看到狼的身影。

10.He found Mormont stretched out in the lower one, swaying slowly with the motion of the ship.他发现莫尔蒙占据了那个矮点的,随着船的摆动而缓缓摇动。