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网络释义:世界卫生大会(World Health Assembly);世卫大会;世界卫生组织


abbr.1.World Hockey Association

1.世界卫生大会(World Health Assembly)请这些提出申请的国家,作为世界卫生大会的观察员参加世界卫生大会WHA)和世界卫生组织的其他委员会,但没有投票权。

2.世卫大会设於瑞士日内瓦。世界衞生大会WHA)是世衞组织的最高权力机构,每年开会一次,主要审议世衞组织总干事的工作报告 …

5.世界卫生组织年会世界卫生组织年会 (WHA) 即将举行,不少我们的友好国家(包括美、日)赞成台湾成为世界卫生组织 (WHO) 的观察员,尤其 …


1.'Wonder wha's in these other doors? ' he asked me, his voice husky and out of place in the silence of the dimly pt corridor.“猜猜看其他的房间里有什么?”勒曲问我。他的声音沙哑,打破了昏暗长廊里的寂静。

2."Wha'? " and I can see the black gap just to the left of the center of his mouth.“什么?”我能看到他那个黑色的缺口,正在嘴中间偏左的地方。

3.Those who survived the war, just as we see today these admirable Wha Chi veterans, are heroes in their own right.那些战争中的幸存者,就是我们今天所看到的这些可敬可佩的老兵,他们本身就是英雄。

4."It was the strenuous efforts of patients' advocacy groups that . . . put [it] on [the] WHA agenda, " Wiersma says.“正是患者权益倡议团体做出了艰苦努力…才将[这个问题]放入了卫生大会议程,”Wiersma说。

5.But Jong-Wha Lee of the Asian Development Bank has tried to put a number on it.不过亚洲开发银行(AsianDevelopmentBank)的李钟和(Jong-WhaLee)已在试图给出具体的时间。

6.Sitting in the student guidance office, Sun Ta-wha chatted amiably with her guests for an afternoon.坐在学生辅导室的孙老师,陪访客侃侃而谈一个下午。

7.Accompanying documents and background information can be found at the WHA documentation web site in six languages.有关文件和背景材料可在卫生大会文件网站上读取,有六种语言提供。

8.Taiwan has requested the right to participate in the WHA's meetings every year since 1997, but until now it was blocked by Beijing.自1997年以来,台湾每年都要求获得参加世界卫生大会的权利,但直到目前它一直被北京阻挡在世卫大会的门外。

9.Still, senior ADB economist Jong-Wha Lee warns a sustainable economic recovery still depends on the fate of major industrial powers.然而,亚洲开发银行高级经济师李钟和警告说,持久性的经济复苏仍依赖于主要工业大国。

10.Doesn't seem a difficult choice to me. Stay here in the city and be hunted down pke animals, or be my guests in a safe haven. Wha'd'ya say?对我不是个困难的选择。待在城里像动物一样被猎取,还是在安全的天堂做我的客人。你怎么看?