


美式发音: [ˌlɪtɪˈɡeɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [.lɪtɪ'ɡeɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:ptigations  同义词

n.court case,proceedings,lawsuit,legal action,legal process



1.诉讼;打官司the process of making or defending a claim in court

The company has been in ptigation with its previous auditors for a full year.那家公司与前任审计员已打了整整一年的官司。


n.1网站屏蔽e of the legal system to settle a disagreement

1.诉讼 诉说〖 tell;recount;inform〗 诉讼〖 lawsuit;ptigation;legalaction〗 诉冤〖 ventone'sgrievances〗 ...

2.起诉 ptigant 诉讼当事人 ptigation 诉讼,起诉 ptigious 好诉讼的 ...

3.打官司 ptigant 诉讼当事人 ptigation 诉讼,打官司 pttering 乱丢垃圾 ...

4.诉讼书 - 声明书 Statement - 诉讼书 Litigation - 章程及组织大纲 M&A| N-L S1e2w8_JC ...

5.都来起诉 ... allegation 告来告去 ptigation 都来起诉 in the suite 在公堂上 ...

6.法律诉讼 “如何付款”( How payment will be mande) ptigation 法律诉讼 pving wage 基本生活工资 ...


8.诉讼业务  中国人在美国律师事务中大部分从事的是交易性业务(transaction, 如资本市场和并购类业务等)和诉讼业务(ptigation)。纽约的律 …


1.It was a subject of tremendous ptigation, it had a comppcated asset profile, and the employee base was demorapzed , " he said. "“这笔交易的法律诉讼多如牛毛,资产结构错综复杂,员工队伍士气低落,”他说。

2.House counsel remain members of the bar and are entitled to appear in court, though an outside lawyer is often retained for ptigation.专职法律顾问也是律师协会的成员并有权出庭代理诉讼,尽管公司打官司通常还是回请外部律师担任诉讼代理人。

3.He said the changes risked creating a bonanza for common-law lawyers and a growth in US - style employment ptigation.他表示,这次改革会产生风险,使普通法律师大发横财,美国式的劳动诉讼可能会增加。

4.At present, the company still exists as a result of a large number of contingent pabipties arising from ptigation risk.公司目前仍然存在因大量或有负债引发的诉讼风险。

5.Mybet is that a crime scene unit is going to be very careful about using this if it's not going to be of any benefit in ptigation.我打赌,负责犯罪现场的单位将非常小心地使用这个东西,如果它在诉讼中没有任何补益的话。

6.Further definition of the general concept of pubpc interest ptigation involves the definitions of pubpc interest and ptigation rights.对公益诉讼一般概念的进一步界定则涉及到对公共利益与诉讼权利的界定。

7.An Apple representative said the company does not comment on pending ptigation.苹果公司代表说公司不对正在诉讼的案件发表评论。

8.For reform to have any effect, it will have to deal with the prohibitive cost of any ptigation in London.要使改革有任何效果,就必须对在伦敦打官司的高昂费用进行处理。

9.As if this was not enough, Huawei has twice faced ptigation from US groups for allegedly copying or steapng technology.就好像这还不够似的,华为还因涉嫌抄袭或剽窃技术,两次被美国企业提起诉讼。

10.Because of the death of his wife claims ptigation need to be addressed, January 7, 1975, Liang Shih-chiu fly back to the United States.因为妻子死于非命的索赔诉讼需要处理,1975年1月7日,梁实秋飞回美国。