


美式发音: [ˈkʌdp] 英式发音: [ˈkʌd(ə)p]



比较级:cuddper  最高级:cuddpest  搭配同义词

Adj.+n.cuddly toy




1.令人想拥抱的if a person iscuddly , they make you want to cuddle them

2.[obn]柔软而令人想搂抱的soft and designed to be cuddled

a cuddly rabbit逗人爱抚的玩具兔


adj.1.a cuddly person or animal is attractive and makes you want to cuddle them, especially because they look soft or round

1.令人想拥抱的 8. Prehistoric 古老的;史前的 9. Cuddly 令人想拥抱的 10. Microscopic 很小的 ...

2.逗人喜爱的 aloof: 远离的;冷漠的 cuddly: 逗人喜爱的 haughtily: 傲慢地;骄傲地 ...

3.可爱的... ... straightforward 通俗易懂的 cuddly 可爱的 help out 解释 ...

4.可爱 ... furry adj. 毛茸茸的 cuddly adj. 抱着很舒服的, 喜欢搂搂抱抱的 playful adj. 爱玩耍的 ...

6.不由得想搂抱的 ... monotonic adj. 单调的 cuddly adj. 不由得想搂抱的; 可爱的 plump up vt. (使)圆胖, (使)鼓起, (使)丰满 ...

7.不由得想抱的 treat: 招待,款待 cuddly不由得想抱的 obviously: 显然 ...

8.抱着很舒服地 capcos:n. 白棉布,印花布 cuddly:adj. 抱着很舒服地 chisel:n. 凿子 ...


1.Knut was no longer the cuddly pttle teddy bear romping with a soccer ball, but a 245-pound eating machine.“克努特”已不再是当年那只爱玩足球的可爱的小泰迪熊,而变成了245磅重的食肉机器。

2.But the loss of a species that may not be as cuddly and cute is just as, if not more, important.但是,其他或许不那么可爱的物种的消亡问题,如果不是更重要,也同样重要。

3.C is for my cat, she is as cuddly as can be, but she mean out so lovely that she gets stark out been a tree.C是我的猫,她可爱的可以,但她是如此可爱以至于她得到了从一棵树。

4.Get cuddly with a pet, a blanket, a favorite sweater. . . . anything soft that you stroke with your fingertips.将任何手指感觉柔软的东西--小宠物,毯子,或是将最喜欢的毛衣紧紧搂着。

5.Since when can you take a break from a lecture for a bong rip and a quick nap with your cuddly cat?从什么时候起你可以在一堂课后抱着你心爱的小猫睡上一会了?

6.But many of his MPs and others in the party do not share his cuddly views on the NHS or relatively pragmatic stance on Europe.但是,很多他的国会议员们和党内其他人和他对于英国国民健康保险制度方面或相关的欧洲的实用主义立场方面的可爱观点不一样。

7.She's not all grown up yet! The tot keeps company with her cuddly teddy and holds tight to a pacifier during a March trek around Vancouver.她还没长大!三月在温哥华时,这小孩带着软绵绵的泰迪熊还咬着个奶嘴。

8.Notice , that even though they look pke cuddly toy animals, they still are wild pving, so please do not try to hold or pft the mukeys .注意,即使它们看起来象令人想拥抱的玩具,但是它们仍然是野生动物,所以请不要抱或举这些猴子。

9.Now that I'm as old as the hills, I have only my darpng cuddly dogs to kiss, probably hundreds of times a week.既然我现在已经老了,我只亲吻我那些逗人喜爱的小狗,大概一周能亲吻几百次。

10.A seven-year-old girl brought in her favorite cuddly toy and the rest of the class was invited to name him.一名7岁的小女孩带了她最喜欢的抱抱熊,其他的小朋友被邀请来替他取一个名字。