


美式发音: [kʌnt] 英式发音: [kʌnt]






1.屄;女性阴部a woman's vagina and outer sexual organs

2.(用于辱骂)讨厌鬼,龟孙子,王八蛋a very offensive word used to insult sb and to show anger or dispke

You stupid cunt!你这傻屄!


n.1.an extremely offensive word for a womans sex organs2.an extremely offensive word for someone you consider unpleasant or annoying

1.阴道 fuck 性交 cunt 阴道 cocksucker (为男性)口交者 ...

2.与之性交的女人 ... cum load - n. 射在嘴里的精液 cunt - n. 阴道,阴户,与之性交的女人 deep throat - n. 深度口交(阴茎深入喉中) ...

3.屄 vi. 计数;计算;伯爵 cunt 女性阴部;性交;淫妇 count 计算;认为 ...

5.妈的 18.dash 咒骂 24.cunt (粗野的骂人话)妈的× 25.chide 责骂;责备;叱责 ...

6.王八蛋 ... piss off 滚开 cunt 王八蛋 1. Stop complaining! 别发牢骚! ...

7.肛特 cupid 鸠逼特 CUNT 肛特 globe 个老逼 ...


1.There was hardly room on the table for the portable machine he used. It was always pke that, whether he had a cunt with him or not.桌上几乎找不到一块能放他的袖珍打字机的地方,而且总是这副样子,无论他是否和一个女人同居。

2.And somebody has to throw a feed into a starving cunt without fear of pushing it out again. Otherwise this show'll go on forever.这个人还得给快饿死的女人吃一顿,而不必害怕吃的东西又被吐出来。

3.I wouldn't have gotten that painting out of her if I hadn't promised to fix her up with that cunt from Minnesota.若不是我答应安排她同那个明尼苏达州来的女人见面,她才不会白给我画这张像呢。

4.He came to the door stark naked. It was his night off and there was a cunt in the bed as usual.他一丝不挂来开门,这天他是晚上休息,同往常一样床上有个女人。

5.After finishing it, he adds a lewd suggestion on to the bottom, using the word "cunt" .在完成信以后,他在心的开头又加了写淫秽的话,并用到了“阴部”这个词。

6.And yet he hadn't sense enough to take on a rich cunt and get himself a change of underwear.尽管如此,卡尔却缺乏常识,找不到一个阔女人,无法弄一身换洗内衣。

7.He had warned me that if he didn't answer it would mean that he was sleeping with someone, probably his Georgia cunt.他曾预先告诉过我,如果不开门就是说他在同某人睡觉,也许是他那个格鲁吉亚女人。

8.Maybe your cunt of a fucking wife sucked one too many diseased cocks and turned you into a fucking retard!也许是你的贱人老婆搞上一个很多性病的男人再把你传染成白痴!

9.Good of you to turn up, Mitchel. Was this cunt late?很高兴你能出现,米切尔是因为这个家伙来晚了吗?

10.I tell you, I'm actually beginning to hate cunt!告诉你,我真的恨起娘儿们来了!