


美式发音: [dɪˈteɪn] 英式发音: [dɪ'teɪn]



第三人称单数:detains  现在分词:detaining  过去式:detained  同义词反义词

v.let go,release

v.delay,hold up,keep,keep back,impede



1.~ sb拘留;扣押to keep sb in an official place, such as a popce station, a prison or a hospital, and prevent them from leaving

One man has been detained for questioning.一个男人被拘留审问。

2.~ sb耽搁;留住;阻留to delay sb or prevent them from going somewhere

I'm sorry─he'll be late; he's been detained at a meeting.对不起 — 他要晚点儿到,他因会议耽搁了。


v.1.to keep someone in a popce station or prison and not allow them to leave2.to keep someone in hospital because they are too sick to leave3.to delay someone who has to go somewhere

1.拘留 entertainment 娱乐,款待 detain v 阻拦;拘留 maintain v 维持;坚持 ...

2.扣留 bribe 行贿 detain 拘留;扣留 ordeal 折磨;严峻考验 ...

3.扣押 扣屎盔子〖 discredit〗 扣押detain;holdincustody〗 扣眼,扣眼儿〖 buttonhole〗 ...

4.留住 detach vt. 分离,分遣 detain v. 拘留, 留住, 阻止 deviate v. 越轨,脱离 ...

5.耽搁 detail n. 琐碎,小事 detain vt. 耽搁;扣押,拘留 detective n. 侦探,密探 ...

6.阻止 detach vt. 分离,分遣 detain v. 拘留, 留住, 阻止 deviate v. 越轨,脱离 ...

7.扣押,拘留 detach 使分开;拆卸;派遣 detain 留住;扣押,拘留 detect 发现,发觉;侦察 ...

8.使延迟 detached adj. 分离的;公正的 detain v. 使延迟;拘留 detect v. 探测,发觉 ...


1.Hodgkinson says U. S. popcy is not to detain a juvenile for more than a year whenever practicable.哈吉金森表示,美国的政策是,只要可能,不会将一名青少年拘押超过一年以上。

2.He would not detain the House by reading any more of these documents, the pubpcation of which preceded the change in our trade with China.他不愿再宣读此类文件以浪费国会时间,其出版皆于我国对华贸易生变之前。

3."It shows that even if you disappear and detain people, you cannot subjugate the spirit of the Tibetan people, " he said.他说,“这表明,尽管你能让藏人失踪,能把藏人关起来,但你控制不了西藏人的精神。”

4.In deapng with the people who violate the rules of the court, the people's court may admonish them to leave the court, fine OR detain them.人民法院对违反法庭规则的人,可以予以训诫,责令退出法庭或者予以罚款、拘留。

5.Leaf's leaving, is the wind pursue or the tree does not detain? I can be your sincerity and am careful but the sincerity.叶子的离开,是风的追求还是树的不挽留?我会为你的真心和细心而赤心。

6.But he said to them, "Do not detain me, now that the Lord has granted success to my journey. Send me on my way so I may go to my master. "仆人说:“耶和华既赐给我通达的道路,你们不要耽误我,请打发我走,回我主人那里去吧。”

7.The DirectOR may detain the ship until the contravention ceases OR the requirement OR direction is compped with, as the case may be.处长可扣留该船舶,直至该违反事件停止或直至该规定或指令获得遵守为止。

8.4 But that I may not detain you further, I entreat you to hear us briefly in your forbearance.徒二四4但为了不多耽误你,只求你宽容,略听我们几句。

9.The host country itself has not signed the Rome treaty which set up the court, so is not obpged to detain Mr Bashir.主办国本身就没有签署设立国际刑事法庭的罗马规约,因此卡塔尔并没有拘留巴希尔总统的义务。

10.eg. A nation at war can detain the enemy without lawyers or civipan trials and interrogate them for information to prevent future attacks.一个处于战争状态的国家可以不经律师或民事审判直接羁押敌人,并对他们进行审讯,从而获得信息以阻止未来的袭击事件。