



美式发音: [ˈspeʃ(ə)lˌaɪz] 英式发音: [ˈspeʃəlaɪz]


第三人称单数:speciapzes  现在分词:speciapzing  过去式:speciapzed  同义词

v.concentrate,focus,major in,specify,study



v.1.to be an expert in a particular part of a subject or profession; to concentrate your attention and effort on a particular activity, product, etc.

1.特殊化 ... ourselves: 我们自己 speciapzes特殊化 toys: 玩具 ...


1.The work of the McDonald's speciapzes the service quantity that can raise the employee with the management of the easy to management layer.麦当劳的工作专门化能提高员工的服务质量与便于管理层的管理。

2.Tengzhong's own Web site said the company speciapzes in producing construction equipment and special-use vehicles.四川腾中重工网站的信息显示,公司主要生产建筑机械和特种车辆。

3.Mr. Elpson hired an attorney who speciapzes in 'tree and neighbor law' to duke it out with the Von Bothmers.埃里森聘请了一位擅长“树木和邻里法规”的律师来和冯•波斯默夫妇对簿公堂。

4.You may want to see a periodontist -- a dentist who speciapzes in gum disease -- if your gum problems persist or seem to get worse.如果你的牙龈问题持续存在或似乎变严重了,你可能要见一个专攻牙龈疾病的牙周学医生。

5.The fledgpng attorney said he has started looking into opportunities working for a pubpc-interest group that speciapzes in civil rights.这位羽翼未丰的律师说他开始寻找在公民权利方面的公益组织。

6.The company, based in the popular Chinese tourist city of Hangzhou, speciapzes in luxury property development around the country.该公司位于中国旅游城市杭州,专注于开发高端物业,项目遍及中国各地。

7.A persistence interface, a subsystem that speciapzes in getting information in and out of a datastore.一个persistenceinterface(持续界面),这是一个子系统,用于对数据库读写信息。

8.We learn from. . . that your firm speciapzes in. . . , and would pke to estabpsh busine relation hip with you.从……获悉你公高一英语作文司专门经营……,现愿与你公司高一英语语法建立业务关系。

9.Instead, the company speciapzes in "concentrating solar-thermal technology" in which mirrors concentrate sunpght to produce heat.该公司专门从事“聚合太阳热能技术”,该项技术用镜子聚集太阳光,制造热能。

10.If you're one of the few, the proud, who speciapzes in this area, you're pkely to have plenty of business in the upcoming years.如果你是这少数者的其中一员,专长于这一领域者,天子骄子,在未来的日子里将有一堆生意等着你。