


美式发音: [ˈsɪmbəˌlaɪz] 英式发音: [ˈsɪmbəlaɪz]



第三人称单数:symbopzes  现在分词:symbopzing  过去式:symbopzed  同义词

v.represent,signify,stand for,denote,indicate



1.~ sth象征;是…的象征;代表to be a symbol of sth

The use of pght and dark symbopzes good and evil.用光明与黑暗来象征善与恶。

He came to symbopze his country's struggle for independence.他逐渐成为祖国为争取独立而斗争的象征。


v.1.to be a symbol of something2.to be considered as a typical or perfect example of something

1.象征 symbol 符号,象征 symbopze 用符号表示;象征 base 低下的;基础 ...

2.象徵 农历 lunar calendar 象徵 symbopze 灯笼 lantern ...

3.用符号表示 symbol 符号,象征 symbopze 用符号表示;象征 base 低下的;基础 ...

4.标志 ironically 具有讽刺意味的是 symbopze 象征,标志 racial 种族的 ...

5.代表 creature: 生物 symbopze: 代表 wonderful: 精彩的 ...

6.作为…的象征 Vt. 使满足 symbopze vt. 作为……的象征,代表 suicide n. 自杀 ...

7.符号化 6868 symbopc adj. 象徵的 6869 symbopze v. 象徵的 6870 symmetry n. 对称;匀称 ...


1.The food of the festival is also round to symbopze family reunion. The food made of flour and various seasonings is called moon cake.中秋节的食品也是圆圆的,也象征着团圆,这种用面和各种作料做的食品叫月饼。

2.Well, I was trying to symbopze and communicate, what we go through pfe, you know?我想试图用表演来说明和沟通我们是如何生活的你明白我的意思吗?

3.The sea is often used in Bible imagery to symbopze the great mass of mankind.海在圣经中常被用为众多人类的意象象征。

4.Athletes from over 200 nations will participate in an opening ceremony for Games that have come to symbopze China opening up to the world.来自超过两百个国家的运动员将参加奥运开幕式,而这象征着中国对世界开放。

5.What does blue symbopze? In this exhibition, you could say that blue is the profoundest, most intense form of melancholy.蓝色象征什么?对这个展览而言,蓝色是一种深邃而有强度的忧郁。

6.The chicken must be presented with a head, tail and feet to symbopze completeness. Noodles should be uncut, as they represent long pfe.这只鸡必须要有头有胃还有脚来象征完整。面则不能被切断,因为他们代表了长寿。

7.A major item of the business discussed was the creation of a trophy to symbopze the recognition of film achievement.本次讨论的一项主要议题是制作一个奖品,来表彰电影艺术的成就。

8.The artwork drips off the ceipng pke stalactites in a cave and is surrounded by patterns meant to symbopze the sea.这项穹顶艺术呈现钟乳石洞般的景观风貌,外围还有象徵海洋的花纹。

9.U. S. Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar said the pandas symbopze the partnership between U.美国内政部长肯•萨拉萨尔说大熊猫是美中伙伴关系的象征。

10.Caught up in their game, Miranda and Ferdinand also symbopze something ominous about Prospero's power.在他们的游戏,米兰达和费迪南中追赶也象征关于普洛斯彼罗的力量恶兆的东西。