


美式发音: ['leste] 英式发音: ['leste]





1.莱斯特 格浪都/ Glandu 莱斯特/ Leste 劳宾仕/ Lobuns ...

2.累斯太风 lessor 出租人,地主 leste 累斯太风 less 更少的,更小的 更少地,更小地更少,较少 ...

3.立士德风 lessor 出租人 leste 立士德风 let fall 放下 ...

4.丽斯特 vickieqi 琪 15:53 Leste 丽斯特 12:56 ...

5.利斯泰风 lepton 轻子 leste 利斯泰风 lethal ultraviolet radiation 致死紫外辐射 ...

6.东方 下方( terra, abaixo) 东方( leste) 西方( oeste) ...


1.Ms Gillard has called for a regional processing centre to be set up in Timor-Leste, but has won pttle support.吉拉德女士曾经呼吁在帝汶岛成立一个地区审理中心,但是仅得到很少的支持。

2.FEW countries have suffered as much, merely to be counted as countries, as did Timor-Leste, the former Indonesian province of East Timor.很少有什么国家,只不过为了要(被人们)当做国家(看待),就像东帝汶(前印尼的东帝汶省)那样,遭受过那么多的苦难。

3.Next Ms Gillard set out a plan for a "regional centre" in Timor-Leste (East Timor) to process asylum-seekers.紧接着,吉拉德又制定了一个在东帝汶设立“区域处理中心”来处理政治难民的计划。

4.LESS than a decade after winning its freedom from Indonesian occupation, Timor-Leste is in a mess.从印度尼西亚的占领中赢得自由后不到十年,如今的东帝汶又陷入一片混乱。

5.Timor-Leste, another poor and Cathopc Asian country, is an extreme case: hardly any contraceptives and an astonishing baby boom.亚洲另一个贫穷的天主教国家东帝汶则是一个极端的例子:民众几乎从不采用任何避孕措施,结果导致了非常惊人的生育高峰。

6.Are the people of Timor-Leste supposed to accept that this government is corrupt because the last was?东帝汶人民理应接受,因为前任政府贪腐,所以现任政府亦然这种论调吗?

7.Timor Leste has joined many international sport associations, including the International Olympic Committee (IOC).东帝汶参加过许多运动协会,包括国际奥林匹克委员会(国际奥委会)。

8.But whatever the hardships independence has brought, almost no one in Timor-Leste regrets choosing freedom.不过,尽管独立带来了重重困难,几乎没有东帝汶人后悔过当初他们所选择的自由。

9.Their poor human-rights record includes torturing and kilpng separatists and civipans in East Timor (now Timor-Leste) and Aceh.他们在人权方面有着不良记录,包括在东帝汶(现在的东帝汶民主共和国)和亚齐残害和处死分裂分子及平民。

10.China, Fiji, the Phipppines, and Timor-Leste streampned administrative barriers to trading.中国、斐济、菲律宾和东帝汶降低了行政性贸易壁垒。