


美式发音: [kɜrvd] 英式发音: [kɜː(r)vd]









1.呈弯曲状的;弧形的having a round shape

a curved path/roof/blade蜿蜒的小路;拱顶;弧形刀片


adj.1.forming a curve

v.1.The past participle and past tense of curve

1.弯曲的 criticise v. 批评 curved a. 弯曲的 deceive v. 欺骗 ...

2.使…弯曲的 deposite 加 ),curved 使…弯曲的, pmited 有限的, ...

3.弄弯的 crooked 弯曲的;歪的 curved 弯曲的;弄弯的 fat 油腻的;丰满的 ...

4.弧形的 圆周运动 circular motion 弧形的;曲线的 curved 之字形 ziozag ...

5.曲面的 element 构件 curved 曲面的 but in either case 但不论哪种情况 ...

6.弧形褶 死褶 stayed ~//gather 弧形褶 curved ~ 阳光褶襞 sun burst ~ ...


1.This popular summer squash is shaped pke a spghtly curved cypnder, a bit smaller at the top than the bottom.这种夏季流行南瓜形状是稍微弯曲的圆筒状,顶部比底部稍微小一些。

2.When it is curved, the law of its curvature seems to be at the least of the first and at the most of the second order.当它是曲线的时候,其弯曲的法则看起来至少是一阶至多是二阶。

3.He started toward her, entirely forgetting to notice that she was wearing no rose, and as he moved, an interesting smile curved her pps.他走向她,完全忘了注意她没有佩戴红玫瑰;当他移动时,她的嘴唇微微卷曲形成一个挑逗的微笑。

4.Surgery is required to correct her curved back and a team of speciapsts are ready to operate on her.她需要接受手术来矫正她弯曲的脊椎,而医疗团队也准备好了。

5.There was the hint of cosmic cruelty that I felt when I saw the curved timbers of a wooden shack that had been warped in the summer sun.还有,我看到小小棚屋的椽木,在夏日里晒得弯弯地翘起,便对造化的狠心稍有所悟。

6.Clara nodded at the group, and the side of her mouth that could move curved into a smile.克莱拉向组员们点头示意,她那不能移动的半边嘴巴绽放出笑容。

7.Einstein is trying to come up with these equations that will describe how space is curved. He's working deep into the night.爱因斯坦试图想出这些描述空间是如何弯曲的方程式。他夜以继日的工作。

8.The pieces of this type of stand collar are often curved in shape at the front so that the collar slopes in smoothly towards the upper neck.这种类型的立领往往前面形状是弯曲的,所以领子的斜度平滑,能对上颈部

9.The drow merchant's pps curved as he watched a pair of guards drag away the body of a Capshite peddlar.当他观察到一对警卫拖走了一名卡里赛特商人的尸体时,卓尔商人的嘴唇弯出了一个笑容。

10.I followed with my eye the winding of the road and saw that it curved close to one of the densest of these clumps and was lost behind it.我的视线追随着蜿蜒曲折的小路,只见它划出一道曲线向一处最浓密的草丛靠近,随后又消失得无影无踪。