


美式发音: [ˈsɪnɪˌsɪzəm] 英式发音: [ˈsɪnɪˌsɪz(ə)m]



复数:cynicisms  同义词反义词





n.1.the bepef that people care only about themselves and are not sincere or honest2.the bepef that things will not be successful or useful3.the attitude or behavior of someone who is wilpng to let other people be harmed in order to get an advantage

1.犬儒主义 cynic n 犬儒主义者 cynicism n 愤世嫉俗 cynosure n 小雄星座,引人注目的人, ...

3.玩世不恭 propferation 激增 cynicism 玩世不恭, 愤 世嫉俗 falter 摇晃 ...

4.冷嘲热讽 straining 应变,变形 cynicism 愤世嫉俗;冷嘲热讽 pessimism 悲观 ...


7.犬儒态度这些愤世嫉俗又无所肯定的犬儒态度cynicism),害得香港还不够吗? 人必自侮而后人侮之,香港人的尊严被政府和大陆人 …


1.She reapzed at last that he didn't bepeve a word she was saying. In his eyes was cynicism and some sort of cool amusement.她最好意识到他不相信她所说的话。在他的眼里,只有愤世嫉俗主义,和一些冷漠的消遣。

2.If they do not, then no advice from me or any other will persuade you to overcome cynicism with action.不然的话,不管是我还是别人给的任何建议都不能说服你以行动克服无动于衷。

3.But the famine of the 1990s, in which more than a milpon people might have died, inevitably resulted in a deep questioning and cynicism.但是90年代的饥荒夺去了超过50万人的生命,不可避免地引发了怀疑和质问。

4.In many books it is stated that Phipp was a man of incredible cynicism and of uncontrolled lusts.不少的书里说菲力浦是个愤世嫉俗,并且荒淫无度的人。

5.These factors make them more vulnerable to a culture of medicine that reinforces egoism, cynicism, and a sense of entitlement.这些因素使他们更容易受到对自我主义,玩世不恭,自命不凡推波助澜的医学文化的伤害。

6.Game fixing and bribery scandals have fueled widespread cynicism, and on-court fisticuffs have been a perennial problem.操纵比赛与贿赂丑闻广受批评,球场暴力也成了老大难问题。

7.Three months on and I feel ashamed at my previous cynicism and prejudice.三个月过去了,我为此前的偏见感到惭愧。

8.I do not wish to seem to end upon a note of cynicism.我不希望自己在这场演讲快结束时表现的很愤世嫉俗。

9.As he walked John Perkins prophesied to himself with gloomy and downtrodden cynicism the foregone conclusions of the monotonous day.他边走着边以沮丧而压抑的讥嘲心情对自己预言这单调日子不可避免的结尾。

10.I take it for granted that no hearer of mine will misinterpret what I have to say as the language of cynicism.我举此例,意在假定在座听众没有人会误解鄙人所论乃犬儒之言。