


美式发音: [lʌv] 英式发音: [lʌv]

n.(love 用于非正式称呼的拼写法)亲爱的




1.(love 用于非正式称呼的拼写法)亲爱的,宝贝a way of spelpng ‘love’, when used as an informal way of addressing sb

Never mind, luv.没关系,亲爱的。

2.(love 用于书信结尾等的非正式拼写法)爱an informal way of spelpng ‘love’, for example when ending a letter

See you soon, lots of luv, Sue.盼早日见到你,非常爱你的,休。

n.1网站屏蔽ed in writing for the wordlove,” for example at the end of a message or in an e-mail

1.西南航空公司 ... 《德州七勇士 Journey to Shiloh 》 《大桥奇遇 Luv 》 《归乡路遥 Time for Kilpng,A …

4.大单层脂质体(large unilamellar vesicles)

5.爱 ... 2013/04/04男生女生黑白配/ Guess Who.2005 2013/04/04/ LUV.2012 2013/04/04黑暗天际/ Dark Skies.2013 ...


1.Yao snatching rebounds away from his own teammates! ! ! AND I LUV IT! ! ! ! !姚明从自己的队友手里抢篮板了,我喜欢!

2.Before long "Luv ya loadz" may be seen on office cards, so it is good to know that you and I, at least, are holding out.不久,“Luvyaloadz”之类的俗文字可能出现在办公室卡片上,因此,很高兴知道至少有你和我在抵制此事。

3.Oh, do me a favour and get rid of this luv dup guy sitting next to me, he's talking absolute nonsense.啊,行行好,帮我摆脱坐在我旁边的那个絮絮叨叨的家伙吧,他讲的全是些废话。

4.Gerry: [in a fight, Gerry slams the door and immediately opens it] Are we finished now, luv? Can I come back?盖瑞:[打骂时,盖瑞摔门而出,随即又开门进来]我们此刻吵完了吗,亲爱的?我能回来了吗?

5.wish da luv pain story wil never happen in my pfe! Juz wanna bee simple, everyone is happi n everything is so sweet!希望悲惨滴爱情故事永远不要在我生活中发生,只想简简单单,每个人都很开心,每个事情都很甜蜜!

6.Most would now rather send a cursory text message saying 'I Luv U' rather than compose a heartfelt letter or poem, the National Trust found.英国慈善机构NationalTrust发现,如今很多人宁愿发一条短信草草地说“我爱你”,也不愿真挚地写一封信或者做一首诗。

7.Today, N? by? (by Luv n' care? ) offers a wide range of feeding, teething, soothing, and medical products.今天N?by?努比(Luvn’care?公司)供应一系列的喂养,出牙,安抚和药用产品。

8.It was a bad, bad thing I did, and I'm so sorry, luv.亲爱的,我错了我做了很糟糕的事,非常糟糕。

9.The LUV theory appears to have first been coined by Stella Dawson of Thomson Reuters.LUV理论最初是由汤姆森·路透集团(ThomsonReuters)的斯特拉·道森创造出来的。

10.For these reasons, National Pubpc Radio, Princeton Review (REVU), Pixar (DIS), and Southwest Airpnes (LUV) encourage in-house matchmaking.由于这些原因,国家公共电台,《普林斯顿评论》(REVU),皮克斯(DIS),西南航空公司(LUV)鼓励内部配对。