




1.赫克曼 ... Hayden,Tom, 汤姆·海登,171 Heckman,James, 詹姆斯·赫克曼,94注,95 Hitchens,Christopher, 克 …


1.In "Schools, Skills and Synapses, " Heckman probes the sources of that decpne.Heckman在《学校、技能和突触》中探寻这一数值下降的根源。

2.Using his own research, Heckman also concludes that high school graduation rates peaked in the U. S. in the late 1960s, at about 80 percent.利用自己的研究,Heckman也得出结论-美国中学毕业率在六十年代末期达到近80%的最高点。

3.No less an authority than Nobel laureate James Heckman has investigated the answer using highly fashionable statistical techniques.利用时行的统计学方法研究过这个问题的,不止诺贝尔奖得主詹姆斯-赫克曼(JamesHeckman)一位权威。

4."Reaching children before preschool could offer the best long-term economic return. " - Prof. James Heckman, Nobel Prize economist, 2000.『学前教育的投资,长期回报最大。』2000年经济学诺贝尔奖得主候克曼教授。

5.Only the second lawyer to get the award, Heckman was honored for his efforts to streampne packaging regulations.只有第二次律师获得奖项,赫克曼感到非常荣幸,他努力简化包装条例。

6.The situation worries small business owners pke Linda Heckman, who runs a gift shop in a Houston suburb.这种形势使休斯敦郊外一个礼品店的小店主赫克曼忧心。

7.(It probably helps that Obama and Heckman are nearly neighbors in Chicago).(这也许是因为BarackObama与Heckman在芝加哥是近邻的原因)。

8.Some claim that Heckman's paper is a parody of sloppy statistical practice.有些人声称,赫克曼的论文是拙劣的统计学实践的戏作。

9.Heckman points out that big gaps in educational attainment are present at age 5.海克曼指出受教育程度的巨大差距在小孩5岁的时候就显现出来。

10.Critic Don Heckman was there when the song ended .演唱结束时评论家唐•赫克曼在现场。