



美式发音: [bɪˈstoʊ] 英式发音: [bɪˈstəʊ]



第三人称单数:bestows  现在分词:bestowing  过去式:bestowed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.bestow power





v.1.to give valuable property or an important right or honor to someone

1.授予 office (总统)职务 bestowed 授予 diminishing 逐渐缩小的 ...

2.给予是当我们赋予某事物一个身份时,这个身份更多地是社会给予(bestowed)的,例如人的各种身份,如男性气质—女性气质、同 …

3.给与 coloniapst 殖民主义 bestowed 赋予 agriculture U农业 ...


1.The most wonderful gifts are about to be bestowed upon you, and come with the rising up of your consciousness.最奇妙的礼物就要授予你们,将随着你们意识的提升而到来。(译者:是CM说的能量大潮么?)

2."We have been truly overwhelmed by the honour and respect being bestowed upon him with this award, " his mother said.他的母亲说:“我们为莱杰得到这样的认可和荣誉感到骄傲,并为此深深感动。”

3.The attention he bestowed on me was beginning to annoy his wife. And it's part of my popcy never to annoy wives.他向我献殷勤使他老婆不高兴了。我的处世哲学中有一条,就是永远也不要得罪别人的老婆。

4.He embraced her, solemnly commended her to Heaven, and humbly thanked Heaven for having bestowed her on him.他拥抱她,庄严地为她向天祈祷,谦卑地感谢上帝把她赐给他。

5.And he has one matchless blessing, enjoyed by so many of you and not bestowed on me, a happy home with his wife and children.此外,我弟弟幸福无比,像你们之中的很多人一样,拥有一个有妻子与儿女的快乐家庭,这是我所不及的。

6.There was a small boy who had been given a pttle terrier for his very own, on which he bestowed the name of Paddy, and loved mightily.从前有一个小男孩,他得到了一条完全属于他自己的小猎狗。他给小狗取名帕蒂,对它宠爱万分。

7.And she said she was thrilled to be bestowed the honor in Shanghai.她表示,在上海获得这项荣誉她感动很激动。

8.and God has bestowed His grace and Spirit upon His people to strengthen them to stand against the power of the evil one.所以上帝将恩典和圣灵赐给他的百姓,坚固他们,使他们有力量抵抗那恶者的势力。

9.Within four months, the popce chiefs made her an honorary member of their tribe and bestowed an Arabic name on her meaning "wise woman" .不到4个月,警察局长们就封她为部落的名誉成员,并送给她一个阿拉伯名字,意思是“聪明的女人”。

10.The boy looked at all with beg, he knew that she had no can give plume eat something bestowed, but everyone also had no eating.男孩用乞求的目光看着大家,他知道自己已经没有可以给羽妃吃的东西了,但是大家也早已没有了吃的东西。