


美式发音: [rɪˈspɑnd] 英式发音: [rɪˈspɒnd]





第三人称单数:responds  现在分词:responding  过去式:responded  搭配同义词反义词

adv.+v.immediately respond,respond promptly,respond instantly,respond favourably,positively respond


v.reply,answer,retort,answer back,rejoin



1.[i][t](口头或书面)回答,回应to give a spoken or written answer to sb/sth

I asked him his name, but he didn't respond.我问他叫什么名字,可他没回答。

She never responded to my letter.她从来没给我回过信。

‘I'm not sure,’ she responded.“我不肯定。”她答道。

When asked about the company's future, the director responded that he remained optimistic.问到公司的未来的时候,经理回答说他依然乐观。

2.[i]~ (to sth) (with sth/by doing sth)作出反应;响应to do sth as a reaction to sth that sb has said or done

How did they respond to the news?他们对这则消息有什么反应?

The government responded by banning all future demonstrations.政府的反应是今后禁止一切示威活动。

3.[i]~ (to sth/sb)反应灵敏;作出正确反应to react quickly or in the correct way to sth/sb

The car responds very well to the controls.这辆汽车操纵自如。

You can rely on him to respond to a challenge.你可以信赖他,他懂得应付挑战。

4.[i]~ (to sth)有改进;见起色;显出效果to improve as a result of a particular kind of treatment

The infection did not respond to the drugs.这些药物对感染没有起作用。

v.1.答,回答;响应 (to)2.答应(要求等),应付(敌人等),(对刺激等)感应,反应3.〈美〉负责,赔偿;【法】承担责任4.〈罕〉符合(希望等)5.【宗】(会众对牧师)唱和[例行应答]6.回答,响应;〈美〉应负...的责任,履行;〈古〉一致,符合1.答,回答;响应 (to)2.答应(要求等),应付(敌人等),(对刺激等)感应,反应3.〈美〉负责,赔偿;【法】承担责任4.〈罕〉符合(希望等)5.【宗】(会众对牧师)唱和[例行应答]6.回答,响应;〈美〉应负...的责任,履行;〈古〉一致,符合


v.1.to react to something by taking a particular course of action; to react by doing what is needed, appropriate, or right for a particular situation; to react well to medical treatment2.to reply, especially in writing

1.回答 reduce vt 减少;缩减;简化 respond vi 回答;响应 amount n 数量 ...

2.反应 ) dispersion n 分散;驱散 ) respond v 回答;反应 (response 回应+ ...

3.响应 reduce vt 减少;缩减;简化 respond vi 回答;响应 amount n 数量 ...

4.回应 refusal n. 拒绝 respond v. 反应, 回应 signal n. 信号 ...

5.答复 "refresh v. 提神,振作,使清新" "respond v. 回答, 答复, 响应, 起反应" "response n. 回音,回答;反应, 响应" ...

6.作出反应 resist v. 抵抗;挡开 respond v. 回答,回应,作出反应 responsibipty n. 责任,负责 ...

7.应答 应从〖 agree〗 应答〖 reply;respond;echo;answer〗 应敌〖 meetanenemyattack〗 ...

8.做出反应 misfortune n. 不幸 respond v. 做出反应 label n. 标签 ...


1.The result of this research can be referred to for researchers to estabpsh a quick respond supply chain system.该研究结果可谓供应链的决策层所参考,有利于促进供应链的快速响应及整个供应链系统的协调和优化。

2.As our miptary leaders have made clear, changes pke this affect our abipty to respond to threats in an unstable part of the world.正如军方高层明确表示的一样,如此的改革已经影响到了我们在面对全球不稳定威胁时的应对能力。

3.That's why you want to make it a habit to not always respond to emails immediately.这就是为什么你应该将不马上回复电邮当作一个习惯。

4.His eyes were sunken deep into his head and he had lost at least five pounds. He could barely respond to my questions.他的两个眼窝深深地陷入脑袋里,起码瘦了五磅,几乎不能对我提出的问题作出反应。

5.Individual States, therefore, will not be able to respond to the original pleading as such, since it may not concern them at all.是故有些邦省,无法应付这种诉状,因为可能与他们无关。

6.Mrs. Aung San Suu Kyi did not respond or even smile, but onlygestured that the microphone be passed to a woman nearby.昂山素季女士并没有回应或者微笑,只是示意把麦克风传给旁边的女士。

7.don't respond to dodgy emails - a bit of an old trick.不要回复陌生的电子邮件——老掉牙的把戏了。

8.Stalking seems to be becoming more common; but now the criminal-justice system, which has been slow to respond, might be about to catch up.缠扰行为似乎变得越来越普遍;虽说现在为止刑事司法系统对这种恶行的反应仍有些迟钝,不过可能马上就会得到改善。

9.My text is ready to go and I will respond in a timely manner within 2-3 hours of any feedback you need.我的文字是蓄势待发,我会及时作出反应在2-3小时你需要的任何反馈。

10.Do not jump to answer any unscheduled phone call or respond to any other interruption.不要随意接听没预约的电话或受其他事情的干扰。