




1.大辅 ... 和爸爸 kiss 狂乱家族日记 daisuke 大和舞姬 happiness ...

6.大辅的名字发音一样镜后非常像真人版新八。    3. 与平川大辅,岸尾大辅,小野大辅,浪川大辅的名字发音一样Daisuke),因此5人曾经出过名 …


1.Daisuke also had a great race and is clearly one of the most consistent drivers in the series.大辅也有一场伟大的比赛,并显然是一个最一致的司机系列。

2.The young Cost Guard officers, including Daisuke Senzaki, take on the challenge of that helpsh training.这位年轻的成本卫队军官,其中包括仙崎大辅,接受挑战,这地狱般的训练。

3.Steel Alchemy division and read the bar, the protagonist of this battle is not Eduardo Daisuke!钢之炼金术师,看过了吧,今天战斗的主角不是爱德华是大佐!

4.China were stunned and Daisuke Suzuki put the game beyond their reach six minutes later to seal an impressive win for Japan.中国队不知所措,6分钟后铃木大辅扩大比分,中国队无力回天,为日本队奠定了一场印象深刻的胜利。

5.Daisuke: I've also thought of playing someone else, but. . . In the end, for me. . . I can't think of anyone but Gii! !大辅:我也想过演绎其他人的角色,但是……最后,对我来说,除了义一,别的角色我都不会想到去演!!!!

6.Daisuke: No mistake, it's the two who are still high school students (Mao, Bishin), right. . .大辅:毫无疑问的是,两个还是中学学生的人,猫和美慎。