


美式发音: [priˈæmb(ə)l] 英式发音: [pri'æmb(ə)l]









1.序言;绪论;导言;前言;开场白an introduction to a book or a written document; an introduction to sth you say

The aims of the treaty are stated in its preamble.条约的宗旨已在序言中说明。

She gave him the bad news without preamble .她开门见山地把坏消息告诉了他。



n.1.an introduction to a document, speech, or report explaining its purpose2.something that happens or comes before something else

1.前言 prebuilt 预制的 preamble 前言,绪言 precaution 预防措施 ...

2.序言 目 录 Contents 序 言 Preamble 第一章 总 纲 Chapter I General Principle ...

3.导言 pre- 在前,先,预先 preamble 导言,序言 preamppfication 前置放大 ...

4.前导码 一、 合同名称( Title) 二、前文( Preamble) 三、本文( Body) ...

6.前同步码其中,前7个 字节称为前同步码Preamble) ,内容是16进制数 0xAA,最后1字节为帧起始标志符0xAB,它标 识着以太网帧 …

7.前导信号而同步标头由前导信号(preamble)和开始位(start of frame depmiter, SFD)所组成,preamble长度为32位,所有的位都是0,SFD …


1.The appendix of the essay provide a questionnaire and a report of its analysis whose results have been quoted in the preamble.文章附录部分提供了当代大学生爱国主义调查问卷和分析报告一份,不少结果在文章里面都有引用。

2.WBXML also allows for common strings to be reduced to tokens as well, with the token table sent as part of the document preamble.WBXML也可以将普通的字符串缩减为标记,标记表则作为文档头部中的一部分传送。

3.Each chapter is in accordance to a logical sequence of "the preamble, the body and the Summary" .共分六章,每章按照“引言-正文-小结”的逻辑顺序组合。

4."Our service is guaranteed, " he said without preamble, "but it is neither inexpensive nor permanent. "“我们的服务绝对有效,”医生开门见山地说道,“可它既不便宜,也不是终生受用。”

5.The reason for a law and its general purpose are often stated in a preamble.制定一项法律的理由和目的往往在序言中加以说明。

6.Anyway, without further preamble, let's stretch this fashion show cat walk back to the beginning. . .无论如何,在没有进一步的预告的情况下,我们回到这场时装秀的开头,细细道来…。

7.The Constitution of Serbia in its preamble declares Kosovo is an "integral part" of Serbia with "substantial autonomy" .在塞尔维亚国家宪法序文中声明:「科索沃是享有实质自治之塞尔维亚国土一部份。」

8.as it is in the module , except for the tying inheritance initiapzation preamble and the documentation.的代码,除了没有绑定继承初始化导言以及文档以外,其它都和模块中的一样。

9.Indeed, the preamble of Germany's Basic Law talks of promoting "world peace as an equal partner in a united Europe" .而在德国基本法中则提到,要“作为联合的欧洲中平等的一员”努力加强“国际和平”。

10.Some of the things that they object to are in the preamble to the bill, rather than the technical provisions that will bind India.他们所反对的是协议前言中的内容,而不是将束缚印度手脚的技术性条款。