




1.戴利为代表;第 三个时期是《公报》时期,出现了像劳森和达莱(Daley)这样的新派作家。他对 未来的澳大利亚文学充满希望。在 …

4.戴莱 Dakarai 欢喜快乐 男性 非洲 Daley 从山谷来集合 男性 盖尔语 Dallas 清明的 男性 苏格兰 ...

6.达雷 ... Dale 黛儿 Daley 戴里 Galen 伽林 ...


1.Mr Daley faced more criticism in June when he said that Chicago would cover any Olympics cost overruns with its own cash.今年6月,戴利市长说,如果举办奥运会费用超支,芝加哥将以市财政支付,结果招致更多批评。

2.In Washington, White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley said there did not appear to be "any enormous impact" from the tsunami in Hawaii.在华盛顿,白宫办公厅主任比尔戴利说,目前看来海啸没有在夏威夷造成“任何巨大的影响”。

3.Daley has been a frequent visitor to China, most recently at the Shanghai World Expo last September.市长戴利曾多次访问中国,最近一次是去年9月去参观上海世博会。

4.I named Bill Daley of Chicago to be secretary of commerce after Mickey Kantor, to my regret, told me he wanted to return to private pfe.我很遗憾米基·坎特也要离职了,他告诉我,他想重新过上非公开的生活,于是我任命芝加哥的比尔·戴利为商务部长。

5.I was having lunch with my mother at Daley Plaza. . . and a man was killed right in front of me. He died in my arms.之前我和我妈妈在戴利广场吃饭,有一个人就这么死在我前面,死在我的怀里。

6.Mayor Richard Daley later decided to have vegetation planted on Chicago's City Hall.之后,他就决定在芝加哥市政厅种植植被。

7.Richard Daley announced that he would not seek a seventh term as mayor of Chicago next year.理查德·戴利宣布明年不会争取第七次任职芝加哥市长。

8.Mr. Geithner phoned White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley and Mr. Sperpng and notified them of the downgrade. Messrs.盖特纳给白宫幕僚长戴利(BillDaley)以及斯普林打电话,告知了他们评级下调一事。

9.Q. Funny that you're leaving town just as Oprah is quitting and Rich Daley is stepping down.奥普拉不干了,理查德•戴利下台了,你也要离开了,真有趣啊。

10.Richard J. Daley led Chicago -- ruled might be a better word -- for twenty-one years. He died in office in nineteen seventy-six.理查德.J.戴勒在21年里带领芝加哥市走向一个更加美好的世界,他于1976年在任时去逝。