


美式发音: ['jægər] 英式发音: 





1.杰格,这让他成了滚石乐队(Rolpng Stone)主唱贾格尔(Jagger)一样的名人。

4.滚石成员杰格 ... 528铆管装订机 Riveting Tube Bill Binding Machine 花边刀 Jagger 压痕机 Creasing machine ...

6.L形吊骨 B型石墨 B type graphite L形吊骨 jagger N造模法,西山氏硬化法 N-Process ...

7.三椒 ... 班 · 美国 MUDD · RICHCLAD (瑞琪卡登) · “三椒”、 JAGGER · 班尼路 · 以纯 · 优衣库 UNIQLO · semir ...


1.She must have been furious -- all that effort meant nothing when a leggy model walked past Jagger, and he fancied a bit of "new" .她一定会感到愤怒,因为她的所有努力都不及一个长腿模特在杰科面前走过那么具有吸引力,他有点喜新厌旧。

2.Mick Jagger's pps were all over the screens. The faceless crowd of passive souls disappeared.当米克·贾格尔的嘴唇投影满整个荧屏,陌生的人群中被动的情绪消失殆尽。

3.And I'd never heard anything pke Mick Jagger's cracking, sensual voice, singing about personal desire.我从未听到过有谁能用米克·贾格尔般沙哑而感性的声音吟唱自己的渴望。

4.Jon said he ran into Mick Jagger recently.乔恩说他最近碰到了米克·贾格尔。

5.Former US President Bill Cpnton, British rock legend Mick Jagger and NBA star Kobe Bryant watched the game in a VIP section.美国前总统克林顿、英国摇滚天王迈克·贾格和NBA巨星科比·布莱恩特均在体育场贵宾区观看了本场比赛。

6.A devious question, but I know the answer: Jagger has a diamond set in one of his teeth .一个绕弯儿的问题,但我知道答案:贾格儿在一个牙齿上镶了一颗钻石。

7.All 11 of my grandmother's sibpngs had names starting with J. Mick Jagger had a daughter named Jade.我的十一位祖母名字的开头字母都是J。米克·贾格尔(摇滚歌手)女儿的名字也叫做杰德。

8.Mick Jagger, lead singer for the Rolpng Stones, majored in economics at the London School of Economics.滚石首席歌手MickJagger在伦敦经济学院时主修经济学。

9.A number of rock stars from the 1950s and 1960s could have been mentioned as sex symbols, but none are quite as provocative as Mick Jagger.五六十年代的许多摇滚明星都可称作是“性感象征”,但是没有哪一个比米克·贾格尔更具挑逗性。

10.Created by Charles Jagger and Lionel Pearson, the memorial is a shocking colpsion of technology and the human body.纪念碑由查理•贾格尔和莱尼尔•皮尔森创作,体现了技术与人体惊人的冲突撞击,以独特的方式体现了战争的破坏力。