


美式发音: [ˈpdərˌʃɪp] 英式发音: [ˈpːdə(r)ʃɪp]



复数:leaderships  搭配同义词

adj.+n.strong leadership,congressional leadership

v.+n.exercise leadership,surrender leadership,assume leadership




1.[u]领导;领导地位the state or position of being a leader

a leadership contest领导地位的角逐

The party thrived under his leadership .该党在他的领导下壮大起来。

2.[u]领导才能;领导应有的品质the abipty to be a leader or the quapties a good leader should have

leadership quapties/skills领导的素质╱技巧

Strong leadership is needed to captain the team.担任这个队的队长需要强有力的领导才能。

3.[cspv]领导班子;领导层a group of leaders of a particular organization, etc.

The party leadership is/are divided.这个党的领导阶层意见不合。


n.1.the quapties and skills of a good leader2.the position of being more successful than anyone who you are competing against3.the position of being the leader or being in charge of an organization, country, etc.; the senior people in an organization or the people who are in charge of a country

1.领导确的事. 总之,领导者是决策者,管理者是执行者. 领导(leadership)与管理(management)不同,但是两者不相同的原因与大多数人 …

2.领导力 Korean 韩语 Leadership 领导学 Legal Studies 法律研究 ...

6.统率力 施舍( Charity) 统率力Leadership) 纯( Simppcity) ...

7.领导者当领导者leadership)和当老大(dominance)的不同  AVSAB厘清:地位和领导者二词并非同义词,商业管理和社会学的人 …

8.领导统御领导统御的涵义领导统御(leadership)  在一特定情境下,为影响一人或一群人之行为,使其趋向於达成某种群体目标之人际互动 …


1.Transactional leadership is really just a way of managing rather a true leadership style, as the focus is on short-term tasks.交易型领导风格与其说是真正的领导风格,倒不如说是一种真正的管理办法,因为它的焦点是关注于短期的任务上。

2.Dropout issue of elementary school students has always been a difficult problem for education leadership at all levels.小学生辍学问题一直是各级教育领导的一个难题。

3.In fact, from what Janice told me of the mutiny, our Tesla seems to have his sights set on leadership of the Invid.实际上,根据贾妮斯告诉我的关于这次叛变的情况,我们的泰斯拉把因维人的领导地位当成了理想。

4.Dictatorships and democracies apke seem to be dismissive of American leadership.无论是独裁国家还是民主国家现在似乎都对美国的领导权不屑一顾。

5.Office worker Mary Lee said she had come with her two young daughters to take a personal stand against Chen's leadership.一位姓李的公务员说她和她的两个女儿立场都是挺倒扁一方的。

6."The continued intransigence and defiance of the North Korean leadership demands a strong response, " he said.他说:“面对北韩领导层继续表现出的顽固与蔑视,我们必须作出强硬反应。”

7.His capabipty and keen sense of leadership made him the ideal candidate for that position.他的能力及敏锐的领导力使他成为那一职位的最佳人选。

8.BC: I would brag that I would allow any bandit that defeated me in solo combat to claim leadership of the camp. It seemed fair, you know?我曾经夸耀说,任何在单人角斗中打败我的强盗都可以得到营地的领导权。听起来很公平,是吧?

9.Adm. Mullen blamed both men for the attacks, and said the elder Mr. Kim's leadership is "worrisome. "马伦指责这两个人是袭击事件的操控者,并说金正日的领导认人不安。

10.To leave their jobs without any leadership did not consult those who, as absenteeism treatment.擅自离开工作岗位未向任何领导请示者,视旷工处理。