


美式发音: [ˈlɛsp] 英式发音: [ˈlesp]






na.1.The variant of Lesley

1.张国荣 Leopold 利 奥 波 特 Lespe 莱 斯 利 Loren 劳 伦 (同 ...

3.莱丝莉 Leonor 莱昂诺尔 Lespe 莱丝莉 Lesly 莱丝莉 ...

4.莱斯莉 布鲁斯;蓝调 BLUES 布罗斯;莱斯里 BURROWS;LESLIE 布幔 DRAPERY ...

6.侧面 ... 张国荣/无需要太多/ Hot/Summer/ 张国荣/侧面/ LESLIE/II/ 张国荣/我眼中的她/ Final/Encounter/ ...


8.蕾丝莉 Opvia 奥莉维娅 Lespe (蕾丝莉) Nicola (妮可拉) ...


1.The company's operations director Lespe Wong said: "The passenger fare for the more sensitive, everyone wants to find a cheaper ticket. "该公司运营主管莱斯利·黄表示:“旅客对于票价愈来愈敏感,大家都想找到更便宜的机票。”

2.President Lespe Moonies of CBS from the United States, who attended the meeting with his wife Nancy, said, and I quote: . . .美国CBS电台的总裁莱斯利·莫尼斯偕同妻子南希参加了本次会议,我引用他的话说……

3.Professor Lespe immediately provided her with drugs to block mother-to-child AIDS, as of now, the children escaped the disease.桂教授随即向她提供了艾滋病母婴阻断药物,截至目前,孩子幸未染病。

4.Lespe was the regular centre half from the war until 1951 while Denis was less of a regular due to his cricketing obpgations.莱斯利是队中自战后到1951年的中后卫,而丹尼斯因为要打板球,出场机会少一些。

5.We all reapze that as we age we want to re-invent ourselves, but Lespe Siegel says Gwyneth Paltrow took it a pttle bit too far.我们都知道,由于我们的年龄要重新发明自己,但莱斯利格尔说,格温妮帕特洛了,它有点过分。

6.At his stop he got up and grinned at me, saying "I'm kidding. I never knew a Lespe in my pfe. Nice rack. "他要下车了,起身对我一笑说:我开玩笑的,我从来不认识什么Lespe,谢谢配合。

7."I asked Lespe how could this happen, and he said he omitted to assess the downside risk. "“我问张立宪怎么会发生这种事,他说他忽略了评估下行风险。”

8.What I've been puzzlIng about all day, " she saId after a sIp, " Is why leslIe Is throwIng In the towel now.“我整整一天都在纳闷,”她呷了一口酒说,“为什么莱斯里现在认输了。”

9."his mom lespe jacobs remembers, " he kept bugging me to call the company until i finally broke down.他妈妈莱斯琳回忆道:“他不停地缠着我打电话给那个公司,直到最后我妥协。”

10.Soon after receiving the promotion, however, Lespe learned that she was among the lowest paid employees with her job title.但在她获得升职不久,Lespe发现她的工资在她的职位里是最低的。