


美式发音: [ˈdæp] 英式发音: ['dæp]



第三人称单数:dalpes  现在分词:dallying  过去式:dalped  同义词反义词


v.pnger,dawdle,hang about,loiter,hang around


dallyv.— see alsodilly-dally

1.蹉跎(时光);延误;拖拉to do sth too slowly; to take too much time making a decision

v.1.调戏;调情,嬉戏;戏弄 (with)2.闲荡;延误(时机等) (over)3.浪费(时间)

v.1.to be very slow in doing something

1.闲荡 ally 盟国,支持者 dally 闲荡,嬉戏 gally 恐吓 ...

2.嬉戏 ally 盟国,支持者 dally 闲荡,嬉戏 gally 恐吓 ...

3.玩弄 dalpance: 拖拉、调戏 dally: 玩弄 fall: 倒下、落下 ...

4.戏弄 cine (西班牙语) 电影院 dally 磨蹭,戏弄,憧憬 eucalyptus 桉树 ...

5.延误 cynic\ n.愤世嫉俗者 dally\ v.玩弄, 戏弄, 延误 daunt\ v.沮丧 ...

6.蹉跎,磨蹭 dagger n. 短剑 dally v. 闲荡,嬉戏;蹉跎,磨蹭 damp adj. 潮湿的,有时期的 ...

7.浪费 ... (petting 拥抱,爱抚) (dally 浪费(时间),闲逛)/百货公司,购物中心 (tonsil 扁桃体) ...

8.浪费时间 gall 胆汁 dally 浪费时间 spall 碎片 口诀: ...


1.she shows it to her mother and says, here is a card for you , mum, her mother is very happy. thank you, Dally, she says.她给她母亲看了明信片并说到,“这是给您的卡片,妈妈。”她母亲非常开心并说:“谢谢你,戴利,你长大了。”

2.DO NOT dilly dally in the lobby or the night manager will eyeball you until you go back to bed.不要在大厅随便晃荡,不然晚班经理会一直盯着你,直到你回屋睡觉。

3.Dally comes back with Cokes , but when he tries to put his arm around Cherry, she throws hers in his face.戴利与焦回来,但是当他试图把他的手臂在樱桃,她全她在他的脸上。

4.If you are hesitated to dally with women, she will say you are not a man; If you dally with her, she takes you as a fake gentry.如果你不调戏女人,她说你不是一个男人;如果你调戏她,她说你不是一个上等人。

5.His lean jaw tautened. "There are boys your own age here, " he said angrily. "Why not dally with them instead? "他干瘦的下颚绷得紧紧的。“这里有很多和你年龄相仿的男孩,”他生气说。“为什么不找他们?”

6.2 be, maintain sexual organs cleanness, do not wear tights, reduce the local stimulation of sexual organs, do not dally with genital.二是,保持性器官清洁,不穿紧身衣裤,减少性器官的局部刺激,不玩弄生殖器。

7."Don't dally , go get it, " said the custodian.“别磨磨蹭蹭的,快去拿短剑。”看管人说。

8.Am I gonna get that dally with one, fabulous. I forgot how fabulous money was and I. . .我会出一张与众不同的,令人难以置信的。我忘记钱是多么好而且我…

9.Deep-fried twisted crullers, flat sesame pancakes, soybean milk and vignettes of dally pfe are all good materials.油条、烧饼、豆浆和老乡,故乡的街头鸿爪,就是现成的好题材。

10.Mother: Here, this should be enough. And don't dilly-dally on the way. I want you to come straight back.母亲:来,这些钱应该够了。路上不要磨蹭,我要你马上回来。