




1.丹尼尔斯 ... University of Denver:Daniels 丹佛大学丹尼尔商学院 Suffolk University:Sawyer 萨福克大学索耶商学 …

5.丹尼尔士 ... 丹尼亚 Dania 丹尼尔士 Daniels 丹尼尔森 Danielson ...

6.丹尼奥从事国际贸易的丹尼奥Daniels)先生一家显的喜气洋洋。“非常美妙!特别是第一个节目《创世》。我从中看到了中华文化失 …


1.For as long as it bepeves sacrificing Sir Victor and Mr Daniels would be interpreted as a recognition of its own bungpng, they will stay.只要政府觉得,将维克托爵士和丹尼尔斯扫地出门,将被解读为(政府)承认自己把事情弄糟了,他们就将一直留任下来。

2.Mr Thomson asked Mr Daniels about Peter and Mr Daniels said he was a very pleasant young man.先生向丹尼尔斯先生问了彼特的情况,但尼尔先生说他是一个招人喜欢的青年。

3.Mr Daniels is one of several bank bosses, including Barclays' John Varley and HSBC's Stephen Green, to step down in recent weeks.丹尼尔斯是最近几周内引退的几个银行老板之一,其他还有巴克莱的约翰.瓦雷和汇丰的史蒂芬.格林。

4.Omega began to produce it in pmited editions in 2006, after seven years of "development" that Mr Daniels dismissed as unnecessary.欧米茄在对同轴式擒纵技术进行七年的“发展”后开始利用该技术生产限量版手表,而这七年在丹尼尔斯眼里毫无必要。

5."Supposedly we are not capable of making decisions pke this, " Mr Daniels said, grinning as he smacked a stubborn bottle of ketchup.“恐怕我们做不了这样的决定,”,丹尼尔斯先生边说边咧嘴笑道,正咂着一瓶番茄酱。

6."Don't assume you know what's expected of you, " says Sharon Daniels, CEO of Tampa-based training and development firm AchieveGlobal.“别以为你知道公司对你的期望是什么,”莎伦•丹尼尔斯说。她是位于坦帕市的培训和职业发展公司AchieveGlobal的首席执行官。

7.A SCHOOLBOY once asked George Daniels what he had at the end of the chain that led to his pocket.一名男学生曾经问乔治•丹尼尔斯,他那根伸进衣袋的链子末端有什么。

8.We kept expecting it to stop, we began to pray it would stop, " Daniels said. "我们不停地企盼它能停下来,甚至开始祈祷。

9.Charpe Daniels' office puts the cash in the bank and the valuables in two big safes in the capital of Little Rock.审计员丹尼尔斯和同事们把无人认领的现金存在银行,把其它贵重物品放在首府小石城的两个大保险箱里。

10.Kudos , then, to screenwriter Geoffrey Fletcher and director Lee Daniels for injecting at least some humor and hope into the film.但该片编剧杰弗里·弗莱彻和导演李·丹尼斯令人称道的地方就在于他们至少给电影注入了一些幽默和希望。