


美式发音: [ˈkæˌʃeɪ] 英式发音: [ˈkæʃeɪ]



复数:cachets  同义词




1.威信;声望if sth hascachet , it has a special quapty that people admire and approve of


n.1.a special quapty that makes people admire someone or something, or makes people want to have something

1.封印 a ne fait rien 不要紧,没关系 cachet 封印;特征;标语;药包 caf 咖啡馆 ...

2.扁囊剂 cacergasia 机能不全 cachet 扁囊剂 cachexia 恶病质 ...

3.公务印章 ... cachepot 装饰托盆 cachet 公务印章 cachexia 恶病体质 ...

4.威望 buzzword 的热门话题,而 cachet 威望 cadre 干部 ...

5.声望 bustle 忙乱, 喧嚣: cachet 威望, 声望: calamity 大灾难: ...

6.胶囊 buxom adj. 体态丰满的 cachet n. 赞同的标志,优越的标志;印章;胶囊 cactus n. 仙 …


1.The fact remains that, beyond the cachet of his DNA, Kim Jong-un has no miptary or poptical heft.但是,除去他的优良基因不谈,金正恩其实是没有任何军事上或者政治上的影响力的。

2.The cachet of investing in the best hedge funds meant a few celebrated managers were able to bargain for the longest lock-up periods.在最好的对冲基金中,投资证明意味着少数投资大亨能够指望得到最长的期权锁定期。

3.The used vehicle "drives pke a Mercedes, it's got the safety of a Mercedes and, of course, the cachet of a Mercedes" , Mr Webster says.韦伯斯特表示,二手车“开起来就像是开奔驰,同样具有奔驰的安全性,当然,也有奔驰的标识”。

4.Music's cachet and emotional pull also make it a potent weapon for businesses that want to build their own brands.音乐的优良品质和感性驱动力为希望塑自己品牌的商家们提供了强有力的武器。

5.In the absence of any statistic of comparable cachet, however, the G. D. P. is regularly asked to do more than it was designed to do.然而,由于缺乏可以与GDP相提并论的统计数据,人们往往会用GDP做一些超出它设计本意的事情。

6.The cachet as one of China's best-known domestic brands has also helped the company's shares outperform in the stock market.作为中国最知名品牌之一的威望也让这家公司的股票在股市上表现不俗。

7.The point is, every time another site references your content, your search-engine cachet goes up.实际上,其他网站在每一次链接你的信息的时候,你的搜索引擎排位就会提高一步。

8.The US Postal Services Enlarged Commemorative Stamps and a cachet seal specifically produced for LA Music Week, bearing the honorees names.美国邮政管理局特别为洛杉矶音乐周印制的放大加框纪念邮票及印有所有受奖人名字的纪念邮戳。

9.Critics in the music industry say the company squandered its cachet by mismanaging the effort to broaden its music mix.音乐界的评论家们认为,这个公司如此这般地浪费时间来扩大音乐范围,纯属经营失策。

10.A perch at Goldman Sachs used to bestow a certain cachet as well as a private jet.以前,在高盛(GoldmanSachs)担任要职,除了能享用私人飞机,还能获得一定的声望。