


美式发音: [kiˈuʃu] 英式发音: [ˈkju:ˈʃu:]





un.1.southernmost of the four major islands of Japan.

1.九州 袭击造成的灾害,以九州Kyushu ) 遭遇 “伊西多尔 ”( Isidore ) ...

8.九州呀 ... 登机! Boarding! 九州呀! Kyushu! 开始降落! Begin Landing! ...


1.Yet this pleasant port-city today feels something of a backwater, cut off by mountains and winding roads from the rest of Kyushu.然而受高山和蜿蜒的道路所阻,这个舒适的港口城市今天陷入停滞的状态。

2.Born in Fukuoka on the southern island of Kyushu, she was just a toddler when her father walked out.她在日本南方九州岛的福冈市出生,父亲在她还蹒跚学步时就抛家弃子。

3.the oldest person is a woman , yoneko minagawa , 113 , from the main southern island of kyushu , said the survey.调查显示,目前日本年龄最大的老人是来自日本南部九州岛的一位名叫米子皆川的老太太,今年113岁。

4.Jizhou Department of Central Kyushu, it is referred to as the "China" and "China, " the resulting word.冀州处九州之中央,故称“中国”,“中国”一词由此而来。

5.Researchers from Kyushu University in Fukuoka, Japan suggest that the antioxidant catechins may be responsible for the protective effects.日本福冈九州大学的研究人员提出,抗氧化剂——儿茶素可以起到保护牙龈的作用。

6.Government officials said that the island of Kyushu, the production of tatami rushes is one of the materials.九州岛政府官员说,灯心草是生产榻榻米的材料之一。

7.on 25 july , fengshen weakened into a severe tropical storm when it approached kyushu of japan , disrupting air and sea traffic there.七月二十五日,风神在接近日本九州时减弱为一个强烈热带风暴,期间令当地的海上及航空交通受阻。

8.Carmakers and microchip companies that have set up elsewhere in Kyushu cannot be persuaded to come.位于九州其他地区的汽车制造商和微芯片公司也不可能迁至该处。

9.Futenma's hepcopters could, for example, be moved to the huge Kadena air force base on Okinawa, or to Kyushu, one of Japan's main islands.譬如,普天间的直升飞机可以移往庞大的冲绳嘉手纳(Kadena)空军基地,或者日本四主岛之一的九州岛。

10.Japan's Meteorological Agency says the quake was centered in the Sea of Japan, about 70 kilometers off the coast of Kyushu.日本气象局表示,这次地震的震中在日本海,在九州岛海岸外大约70公里。