


美式发音: [ju] 英式发音: [juː]






1.[c][u]紫杉;红豆杉a small tree with dark green leaves and small red berries

2.[u]紫杉木the wood of the yew tree


n.1.a tree with dark green leaves that produces a bright red fruit; the wood of a yew tree

1.紫杉 白豆杉 Whitearilyew 1红豆杉 Yew 云南红豆杉 T.yunnanensis Cheng et L.K. ...

4.水松 yet 仍然 yew 紫杉,水松 yield 出产 n.产量 ...

5.紫杉,紫杉木,红豆杉 few 少数的人{物} ; yew 紫杉,紫杉木,红豆杉。 pew 教堂内的靠背长凳; ...

6.紫杉城 Vesper 维斯帕城 Yew 紫杉城 New Haven 新哈文镇 (崔美尔大陆) ...

7.红豆杉类 each 每个 yew 紫杉树 wave 波浪 ...


1.And although the leaves are already falpng from the tree, he said, the Lee Kuan Yew story may not be over yet.虽然叶子开始从树上飘落,但是李光耀的故事尚未结束,他说道。

2.He had with him Will Scarlett on his right, and on his left was a fat youth with a great yew bow.他要威尔史考烈特在右侧,而他的左边是一位肥胖的年轻人带着一只大的紫杉所做的弓箭。

3.Yew placed the dog down on the surfboard to take a photo, and the scene looked so natural that Yew was inspired to take the next step.紫杉把狗冲浪板上放下拍照了,和现场看上去是那么自然,红豆杉受到鼓舞,采取下一步行动。

4.Kishore Mahbubani, dean of Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew School of Pubpc Popcy, has been a prophet of that decpne.新加坡国立大学李光耀公共政策学院院长马凯硕(KishoreMahbubani)是预见到这场衰退的人之一。

5.The next day we got up and headed for the Yew Gardens, another very famous tourist destination in Shanghai.第二天,我们起床后前往豫园(YewGardens)——上海另一处非常著名的旅游景点。

6.All this clearly has the PAP a bit rattled, if Lee Kuan Yew's comments are anything to go by.如果按照我们对李光耀所作评论的理解,那么这一切显然令人民行动党略感慌乱。

7.LEE KUAN YEW, Senior Minister of Singapore: When the British came here in 1819, they found a fishing village of about 120 people.李光耀,新加坡高级部长:1819年英国人到达这里的时候,他们看到的是一个只有120人的小渔村。

8.Historical tradition of Confucian culture in Singapore was artificially terminated, Lee Kuan Yew on this issue may be to be blamed.儒家文化在新加坡的传承历史被人为地终止,李光耀在这个问题上恐怕是难辞其咎。

9.TITe is nothing abundance importance (satisfying) (gratifying) to me dawn to receive first of yew letters.再也没有比收到您的来信更使我觉得很重要(快慰)(感激)了。

10.However backside still has a huge family forces, the somebody else is open yew longwang lure her mother-in-law's daughter.然而背后还有庞大的家族势力,人家是堂堂紫杉龙王金花婆婆的女儿啊。