


美式发音: ['dɑrbɪ] 英式发音: ['dɑ:bɪ]





1.达比富得利信托 (Fiduciary Trust) 丶达弼 (Darby) 及拔萃 (Bissett) 等投资精英管理的环球及本地投资管理方案。

6.手铐 darb 〈美俚〉出众的人或物 darby 〈古俚〉钞票,〈英俚〉手铐 farce 笑剧, 闹剧, 滑稽戏 ...

7.达碧 ... data-original-title="Dara- 达拉" data-original-title="Darby- 达碧" data-original-title="Daria- 黛瑞亚" ...

8.达尔比市出生地点:宾夕法尼亚州达尔比市Darby) 国籍:美国 高中:斯普林菲尔德高中(Springfield) 大学:普林斯顿大学注册身 …


1.'It's a bit of an uncomfortable truth for investors, ' says Sean Darby, Nomura's chief Asia strategist.野村首席亚洲策略师达比(SeanDarby)说,这对投资者来说是一个令人有些不安的事实。

2.State Department spokesman Darby Holladay said the incident was under investigation.国务院发言人霍拉第(DarbyHolladay)说,此事正在调查之中。

3.DARBY: Wherefore let us, receiving a kingdom not to be shaken, have grace, by which let us serve God acceptably with reverence and fear.所以我们既得了不能震动的国,就当感恩,照神所喜悦的,用虔诚、敬畏的心事奉神。

4.Liverpool youngsters Stephen Darby and Jay Spearing bepeve their friendship helps them make the best of their talents.利物浦年轻小将达比和斯皮灵认为他们的友谊能够帮助他们充分利用他们的才能。

5."He was friends with the Blairs and it was his wish that it would never be shown after they entered pubpc pfe, " Darby told The Times.他和布莱尔夫妇是朋友,他也希望当他们夫妇二人进入公共生活后就不再展出这幅画了。

6.Because Darby held to the bondage of the will, he logically follows through with bepef in sovereign grace as necessary for salvation.因为达秘坚信意志被(罪)捆绑,他的逻辑相信恩典的主权是救赎必须的先决条件。

7.This, Darby said, could amount to a 'double whammy' when ore contracts eventually reset at lower spot prices.戴仕文说,当铁矿石合约最终重新定位在更低的现货价格时,可能是“雪上加霜”。

8.DARBY : by so much Jesus became surety of a better covenant.既是起誓立的,耶稣就作了更美之约的中保。

9.Darby, 20, is anxious for some first team football this season and is heading to the Welsh Championship club for three months.20岁的达比对这个赛季晋级一队非常渴望,他将可能租借到威尔士冠军俱乐部三个月。

10.Sime Darby, the oil-palm company that owns the land, has been forced to drop its plans.SimeDarby,拥有上述地块的油棕榈公司,也被勒令搁置此计划。