


美式发音: [dəˈraɪəs] 英式发音: [dəˈraiəs]

n.Hystaspis 大流士一世(558?-486 B. C.)



n.1.Hystaspis 大流士一世(558?-486 B. C.),古代波斯王,在位期间 521-486 B. C.,世称 Darius the Great2.【男名】男子名

1.大流士由大流士(Darius)於西元前518年所建,做为阿契美尼德王朝的国都整个皇宫是是依据美索不达米亚建筑式样建在一个半人造半 …

2.达瑞斯达瑞斯(DARIUS),原作者最后更新时间为2012年5月30号。目录: 符文 天赋 技能点法 出装流程 英雄介绍(略) 天赋、符文介绍 …

3.大利乌当时,大祭司因为曾向大利乌Darius)许下誓言效忠他,现不愿食言,便拒绝了亚历山大。于是亚历山大就恐吓大祭司说:当 …



6.大流士一世因此,继任皇帝的大流士一世Darius)用了许多时间去对付那些叛乱的族群,才使帝国境内逐渐平定下来。因此,这里的「安 …

7.太空战机由 TAITO 所推出,以 3 画面超宽横向卷轴知名的老牌射击游戏《太空战机DARIUS)》,将於 5 月推出收录全系列游戏原声 …

8.大流士三世大流士三世Darius)克雷图斯(Cleitus) 赫法斯提昂(Hephaestion) 托勒密(Ptolemy) 亚里士多德(Aristotle) 罗克珊(…


1.the good archer had a sense of balance and control , quapties that were central to the concept of kingship developed by darius.一个好的射手,其平衡力和控制力都很好,正是大流士建立的王国的概念核心品质。

2.You know he's a real guy. The mistakes are edited in - not out - which may be precisely the opposite of what a larger nonprofit might do.不像Darius视频里的那样,你可以知道他是个真实的人,即使一些错误也会被编辑进来,而非删掉。

3.All day, Darius tried to think of a way of saving Daniel.整整一天,大流士都试着想出一个解救但以理的方法。

4.Daniel was so talented and trustworthy that King Darius wanted to put him in charge of the whole kingdom.但以理有才又有信,所以大利乌王想要用他治理通国。

5.The Great Persian King Darius I announced that the official language of the western half of the Persian Empire was to be Aramaic.伟大的波斯国王大流士我宣布的官方语言西半部的波斯帝国被阿拉姆语。

6.It is usually called Darius' palace , although he probably did not pve to see the building finished.它通常被称为大流士宫,但他可能没能活著看到建设完成。

7.Darius again was the first to flee the battle, abandoning all of his soldiers and his property to be taken by Alexander.Darius再次第一个逃离战场,抛弃所有的士兵和将被Alexander拿取的财产。

8.Lyra . . . major Darius gave it to me to look after for you want it back?天琴座…主要的大流士把它给了我到神情在为之后你需要它背面?。

9.Daniel was so clever and wise that Darius decided to put him in charge of the whole kingdom.但以理是如此的聪明和博学,以至于大流士决定让他管理整个王国。

10.Cristiano Ronaldo's penalty was the only goal of the game, with Edwin van der Sar pulpng off a late save from Darius Vassell's spot kick.罗纳尔多的点球整场比赛的唯一进球,同时E。范德萨还以敏捷的第二反应扑出了D。瓦塞尔的点球。