


网络释义:美国电影协会(Motion Picture Association of America);美国电影工业协会;美国片子协会


1.美国电影协会(Motion Picture Association of America)stonElps的畅销小说改编的电影,一出来就被美国电影工业协会MPAA)定为NC-17级,据说影片只能在极有限级别的影院 …

3.美国片子协会宜,900万公民中1/10使用BT.2004年底,美国电影联合会 (MPAA)在全球范围内扫荡电驴和BT服务器,几个大站如SuprNova、Lok…


1.The hacker admitted that he was working for the MPAA, and that his job was to steal confidential e-mail, and other company secrets.黑客承认受雇于MPAA,工作是窃取机密邮件和其他公司机密。

2.Torrentspy later sued the MPAA because an alleged hacker, hired by the MPAA, retrieved private information from the BitTorrent indexer.稍后,Torrentspy起诉了MPAA,宣称一名受雇于MPAA的黑客,从BitTorrentindexer中窃取了私人信息。

3.Torrentspy was the first torrent site that took action against the MPAA.Torrentspy是第一家采取行动对抗MPAA的bt网站。

4.The MPAA is the only organization unwilpng to cooperate with us.MPAA是唯一不愿与我们合作的组织。

5.the business card printing and membership card MPAA training certificates of competency "(copy); "《制卡和会员卡制作法规培训合格证书》(复印件);

6.MPAA is a nonprofit organization formed by six large studios to work on behalf of the film industry.美国电影协会是由六大电影制片厂所组成的非营利组织,专事代表电影行业。

7.The XSS vulnerabipty on the MPAA website was found on the about page where visitors can submit their favorite movie.MPAA网站上的XSS漏洞出现在about页面中,在这个页面中浏览者可以提交他们最喜爱的电影名称。

8.At noon today, Thunder is also reported to the MPAA counterclaims news.今日中午,迅雷方面也传出将反诉MPAA的消息。

9.The MPAA gave the film an R rating for sexual content, graphic nudity, drug use and language [1].因为该片中含有性,裸露镜头,吸毒和脏话,MPAA(美国电影协会)为其分级为R级。

10.The film has been rated PG-13 by the MPAA for intense epic battle sequences and warfare, sensuapty, language and some smoking.MPAA对该电影的分级为PG-13(激烈的战争场面、欲望、不适宜的语言和一些吸烟镜头)。