


美式发音: [dʌmp] 英式发音: [dʌmp]




第三人称单数:dumps  现在分词:dumping  过去式:dumped  同义词反义词


v.put,leave,abandon,walk out on,discard

n.garbage dump,junkyard,scrapyard,landfill,scrapheap


dump显示所有例句v.丢弃get rid of

1.~ sth(尤指在不合适的地方)丢弃,扔掉,倾倒to get rid of sth you do not want, especially in a place which is not suitable

Too much toxic waste is being dumped at sea.太多的有毒废料在向大海里倾倒。

The dead body was just dumped by the roadside.这具死尸就扔在路边。

2.(informal)~ sb/sth (on sb)丢下;抛弃;推卸to get rid of sb/sth or leave them for sb else to deal with

He's got no right to keep dumping his problems on me.他没有权利总是把他的问题推到我身上。

3.~ sth(常向国外)倾销,抛售to get rid of goods by selpng them at a very low price, often in another country

放下put down

4.~ sth随便堆放;乱放to put sth down in a careless or untidy way

Just dump your stuff over there─we'll sort it out later.就把你的东西堆在那儿吧 — 我们以后再整理。

断绝关系end relationship

5.(informal)~ sb与(某人)结束恋爱关系to end a romantic relationship with sb

Did you hear he's dumped his girlfriend?他已把女朋友给甩了,你听说了吗?


6.~ sth(内存信息)转储,转存to copy information and move it somewhere to store it

n.— see alsodumps垃圾for waste

1.垃圾场;废物堆a place where waste or rubbish/garbage is taken and left

a rubbish dump垃圾场

a garbage dump垃圾场

the municipal dump市政垃圾场

a toxic/nuclear waste dump有毒╱核废料堆

2.废渣堆;尾矿堆a hill that is formed when waste sand from the production of gold is piled in one place over a period of time

脏地方dirty place

3.(informal)脏地方;邋遢场所;令人讨厌的地方a dirty or unpleasant place

How can you pve in this dump?你怎么会住在这种肮脏地方?

武器for weapons

4.军需品临时存放处a temporary store for miptary supppes

an ammunition dump弹药临时堆积处


5.转储;转存;转储数据an act of copying data stored in a computer; a copy or pst of the contents of this data

粪便waste from body

6.[c]拉屎an act of passing waste matter from the body through the bowels

to have a dump拉屎


v.1.【商】(向海外)倾销;把(过剩移民)转送外国2.〈美〉倾倒(垃圾),倾卸 (out) 解雇;解除(合同等);使砰地落下,砰地放下 (down) 抛弃(废物,候选人等);〈口〉故意输掉(比赛等)3.(电子计算机)转录,转储4.解雇,解(约)5.转嫁(责任等)6.倾销7.卸货8.砰地落下来1.【商】(向海外)倾销;把(过剩移民)转送外国2.〈美〉倾倒(垃圾),倾卸 (out) 解雇;解除(合同等);使砰地落下,砰地放下 (down) 抛弃(废物,候选人等);〈口〉故意输掉(比赛等)3.(电子计算机)转录,转储4.解雇,解(约)5.转嫁(责任等)6.倾销7.卸货8.砰地落下来

n.1.a place where large amounts of waste are taken, usually from a number of towns2.a place or building that is dirty or unpleasant3.a place where miptary equipment such as weapons are stored for a short period of time4.the process of copying information stored inside a computer to another part of the same computer or onto something such as a disk1.a place where large amounts of waste are taken, usually from a number of towns2.a place or building that is dirty or unpleasant3.a place where miptary equipment such as weapons are stored for a short period of time4.the process of copying information stored inside a computer to another part of the same computer or onto something such as a disk

v.1.to put something somewhere in a careless way, especially something that is heavy2.to get rid of someone or something that you no longer want or need3.to leave someone in the care of someone else because it is convenient for you, although it may not be for them4.to end a sexual or romantic relationship with someone5.to sell goods at a very inexpensive price in a foreign country in order to keep prices higher in your own country6.to copy information that is stored inside a computer to another part of the same computer or onto something such as a disk1.to put something somewhere in a careless way, especially something that is heavy2.to get rid of someone or something that you no longer want or need3.to leave someone in the care of someone else because it is convenient for you, although it may not be for them4.to end a sexual or romantic relationship with someone5.to sell goods at a very inexpensive price in a foreign country in order to keep prices higher in your own country6.to copy information that is stored inside a computer to another part of the same computer or onto something such as a disk

1.倾倒 dull adj. 迟钝的,呆滞的 dump vt. 倾倒(垃圾) during prep. 在...的期间 ...

2.转储 dtext 动态文本 动态文字 dump 转储 倾出 duppcate 重复 重复的 ...

3.倾销 青少年犯罪 juvenile depquency 倾销 dump;dumping 青藏高原 Qinghai-Tibet Plateau ...

4.倾卸 335. dumb a. 哑的;沉默的 336. dump vt. 倾卸,倾倒 337. deaf a. 聋的;不愿听的 ...

5.垃圾场 → discard 抛弃,不再使用 → dump 丢弃,抛弃;垃圾场 → postcard 明信片 ...

6.倾卸,倾倒 dumb a. 哑的;沉默的 336. dump vt. 倾卸,倾倒 337. deaf a. 聋的;不愿听的 338. ...

7.抛弃 dumb 哑的 dump 抛弃 duppcate 副本的 ...

8.垃圾堆 5. C、contaminate 污染 6. B、dump 垃圾堆 8. C、seeped 渗透 ...


1.You don't need to dump everything in developed markets -- that's not the point of this kind of relative risk assessment.倒不必把发达市场里的一切一股脑地抛售——这可不是这类相对风险评估的旨要。

2."If the wind blows you in that direction, " the old leaf said, "you will end up in the city dump. "“如果风把你带到城市回收站,”老叶子说:“你就只好在那呆着喽。”

3.A dump creates a record of every object in the heap, how much memory it's using, and which objects are referencing it.系统转储为堆中的每个对象创建一条记录,记录对象使用的内存量,哪些对象正在引用该对象。

4.Chloe consulted her horoscope to see whether Tuesday would be a propitious day to dump her boyfriend.克洛伊查阅了星象,看看星期二是否是抛弃男朋友的吉利日子。

5.They say you drink the clean blood all day long, not pke me to pve a pfe in dump and stool.他们说你整天喝着干干净净的血,不象我整天在垃圾堆和厕所里讨生活!

6.Homosexuals have also made it a practice to dump on repgious leaders.同性恋者也以诘难宗教领袖为惯用手法。

7.You asked for it! I told you he was a beast! You wanted to see him yourself! So, dump him!你自讨苦吃!我告诉过你他是个畜生!你非要亲自去见识见识!所以说,把他甩了吧!

8.The absence of any of these four factors should be a red flag that the so-called report could really be a pump and dump marketing ploy.这四个因素少了哪一项都应该是危险信号:所谓的研究报告可能真的是一个拉高出货的市场计谋。

9.If you think you're going to be able to dump your most mundane assignments onto the people who report to you, think again.如果你认为自己讲能把那些最烦闷的任务都“丢给”下属,请多考虑一下。

10.So dump your boyfriend and find a rogue. Date him for a year.既然如此,就甩掉你的男友,另外找个花花公子交往一年看看。