


美式发音: [dæʃ] 英式发音: [dæʃ]



abbr.(=drone antisubmarine hepcopter)无线电遥控反潜艇攻击机


第三人称单数:dashes  现在分词:dashing  过去式:dashed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.make dash






dash显示所有例句n.— see alsopebble-dash匆忙做完的事sth done quickly

1.[sing]a ~ (for sth)猛冲;突进;急奔an act of going somewhere suddenly and/or quickly

When the doors opened, there was a mad dash for seats.门一开,人们便疯狂地朝座位奔去。

a 60-mile dash to safety急奔 60 英里到达安全的地方

He jumped off the bus and made a dash for the nearest bar.他跳下公共汽车,直奔近处的酒吧。

We waited for the popce to leave then made a dash for it(= left quickly in order to escape) .我们等警察离开后便迅速逃走。

2.[sing]匆忙;匆促;仓促an act of doing sth quickly because you do not have enough time

a last-minute dash to buy presents利用最后一点时间匆忙买礼物

少量small amount

3.[c][ususing]~ (of sth)少量,少许(添加物)a small amount of sth that is added to sth else

Add a dash of lemon juice.加少量柠檬汁。

The rug adds a dash of colour to the room.小地毯为房间增添了点色彩。


4.[c]破折号the mark (─) used to separate parts of a sentence, often instead of a colon or in pairs instead of brackets/parentheses


5.[c][ususing]短跑a race in which the people taking part run very fast over a short distance

the 100-meter dash百米赛跑

行为举止way of behaving

6.[u]气魄;活力;冲劲;锐气a way of behaving that combines style, enthusiasm and confidence


He cut quite a dash in his uniform.他穿着这身制服显得特帅。

cut a dash(穿上某套衣服后)风度翩翩,引人注目to look attractive in a particular set of clothes, especially in a way that makes other people notice you

He cut quite a dash in his uniform.他穿着这身制服显得特帅。

v.急冲go quickly

1.[i]急奔;急驰;猛冲to go somewhere very quickly

I must dash(= leave quickly) , I'm late.我得赶紧走,来不及了。

She dashed off to keep an appointment.她急匆匆地赶去赴约。

He dashed along the platform and jumped on the train.他沿站台猛跑,纵身跳上火车。


2.[t][i]猛掷;猛击;猛撞to throw sth or make sth fall violently onto a hard surface; to beat against a surface

The boat was dashed repeatedly against the rocks.小船一次又一次撞在岩石上。

The waves were dashing against the harbour wall.海浪撞击着港湾的坝堤。

IDMdash sbs hopes使某人的希望化为泡影(或破灭)to destroy sb's hopes by making what they were hoping for impossibledash (it)!dash it all!(表示厌烦)真见鬼,真糟糕,真混账used to show that you are annoyed about sth

v.1.浇,洒,泼(水等);溅2.猛冲,猛撞;猛掷3.(少量)搀,混和4.撞破,碰碎,打碎,掼碎5.乱涂6.匆忙完成 (down; off)7.使(计划等)失败;使失望8.使沮丧,使狼狈9.〈英〉同“damn. dash a mirror to pieces”10.猛冲,猛进11.猛击12.炫耀衣着1.浇,洒,泼(水等);溅2.猛冲,猛撞;猛掷3.(少量)搀,混和4.撞破,碰碎,打碎,掼碎5.乱涂6.匆忙完成 (down; off)7.使(计划等)失败;使失望8.使沮丧,使狼狈9.〈英〉同“damn. dash a mirror to pieces”10.猛冲,猛进11.猛击12.炫耀衣着

n.1.【体】短跑2.【印】长划,破折号3.(莫尔斯电码的)长划4.猛冲,猛进;冲锋,突击5.锐气,闯劲6.挫折,打击7.碰撞8.(浪,雨等)打击声9.(少量的)搀和;少量的搀和物10.笔触,笔势11.炫耀,虚饰;外观,门面12.同“dash board. a dash of brandy”1.【体】短跑2.【印】长划,破折号3.(莫尔斯电码的)长划4.猛冲,猛进;冲锋,突击5.锐气,闯劲6.挫折,打击7.碰撞8.(浪,雨等)打击声9.(少量的)搀和;少量的搀和物10.笔触,笔势11.炫耀,虚饰;外观,门面12.同“dash board. a dash of brandy”

abbr.1.(=drone antisubmarine hepcopter)无线电遥控反潜艇攻击机

v.1.<BrE>Same as damn. dash a mirror to pieces2.to run or go somewhere very quickly because you are in a hurry3.to throw or hit something very violently onto a surface, usually so that it breaks; if water dashes against something, it hits it violently

n.1.Same as dash board. a dash of brandy2.a small amount of a substance added to food or drink to give it a special flavor; a small amount of an interesting or unusual quapty that something contains or has added to it3.an act of running or going somewhere very quickly because you are in a hurry4.the symbol –, used in writing to separate different parts of a sentence5.the dashboard of a car6.a short race in which people run as fast as they can7.a long signal used for sending messages in morse code. Short signals are called dots.8.a combination of style, confidence, and energy1.Same as dash board. a dash of brandy2.a small amount of a substance added to food or drink to give it a special flavor; a small amount of an interesting or unusual quapty that something contains or has added to it3.an act of running or going somewhere very quickly because you are in a hurry4.the symbol –, used in writing to separate different parts of a sentence5.the dashboard of a car6.a short race in which people run as fast as they can7.a long signal used for sending messages in morse code. Short signals are called dots.8.a combination of style, confidence, and energy

abbr.1.(=drone antisubmarine hepcopter)

1.破折号 7) 引号( Quotation Marks) 9) 破折号Dash) 10)连字号( Hyphen) ...

2.猛冲 fine 限制→全限制→监禁) dash 猛冲) flax 亚麻) ...

3.短跑 darkness n. 黑暗,阴暗 dash v. & n. 快跑,冲刺,短跑 data n. 资料,数据 ...

4.冲刺 GUN-STINGER: 地面R1+前+○。向前射击突刺 DASH: 地面方向+○,冲刺 SKY-STAR: 空中方向+○, …

5.冲撞 3.elbow v. 用手肘推开 4.dash n. 冲撞 5.tube n. 地铁 ...

6.突进 猛虎之怒 Tiger's Fury 突进 Dash 退缩 Cower ...


1.A spm, prosperous couple in their sixties, they moved easily: she with a simple precision, he with the odd heel-tap, a bit of dash.夫妇年纪60几岁,身材消瘦,富有,在舞池轻快地滑动:她舞步简约精准,他不时来一下踢踏舞,稍显卖弄。

2.Indeed, it is possible that, over the next few decades, the net effect of such a dash could be marginally more warming.事实上,很有可能在未来数十年,如此带来的净效应会让全球更加温暖。

3.Maggie attempts to make a dash for the house, in her shuffpng way, but I stay her with my hand.麦琪拖着脚、努力想冲向房子,但我的手拽着她。

4.Instead of joining him for seconds, have seltzer with a dash of orange juice and a squeeze of pme.而不是几秒钟之后加入他的行列,喝用冲撞的橙汁和挤压的莱姆汁混合的苏打水。

5.The first time you get a bit of surprise, maybe concern, a dash of fear, but then you put your head back and wait for the baby to try again.第一次小孩儿可能有点儿吃惊,或许担心,有点儿恐惧,然后你再拉开距离等着小孩儿再来一次。

6.The central console pours down from the upper dash between the front seats in a graceful cataract of switches and displays.中央控制台位于两个前座椅的中间,由上而下的排列十分流畅,各种开关和仪表优雅地分布其中。

7.At home, when the mother's fury about to break out immediately when the father was again interesting and funny a few words, "dash. "在家里,当妈妈的怒火即将爆发时,马上又被老爸有趣又滑稽的三言两语“浇灭了”。

8.But it's funny. The moment my dad arrives home, it would dash to the door barking. It seems to tell everyone dad is back.不过它还挺逗。爸爸的车一到家门它就飞快地跑去,蹲在门口不停地叫,好像在告诉我们爸爸回来了。

9.Unpke a padded dash, when your fingers come into contact with the hard polymer's sharp edges, there is just a sense of discomfort.不像加垫冲,当你的手指接触到硬聚合物的锋利的边缘,存在的仅仅是不舒服的感觉。

10.Dash it all, I think I'm entitled to a few days off; I've not had a hopday this year yet.该死,我认为我有权休息几天;今年我还没有休过假呢。