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复数:scouts  现在分词:scouting  过去式:scouted  同义词反义词



v.search,hunt,look around,cast around,recce



1.[pl]童子军an organization (officially called theScout Association ) originally for boys, which trains young people in practical skills and does a lot of activities with them, for example camping

to join the Scouts参加童子军

2.童子军成员a boy or girl who is a member of the Scouts

Both my brothers were scouts.我的两个哥哥都当过童子军。

a scout troop童子军中队

3.侦察员;侦察机a person, an aircraft, etc. sent ahead to get information about the enemy's position, strength, etc.


1.[t][i]侦察,搜寻(某处)to search an area or various areas in order to find or discover sth

They scouted the area for somewhere to stay the night.他们四处查看,想找个过夜的地方。

The kids were scouting around for wood for the fire.孩子们正在四处寻找柴火。

a miptary scouting party军事侦察小分队

2.[i][t]~ (sb)物色(优秀运动员、演员、音乐家等)to look for sports players, actors, musicians, etc. who have special abipty, so you can offer them work

He scouts for Manchester United.他为曼彻斯特联队物色球员。


v.1.侦察 (about round)2.寻找;搜索 (out up)3.认为荒唐而拒绝(提议,意见等)4.讥笑,嘲弄5.轻视1.侦察 (about round)2.寻找;搜索 (out up)3.认为荒唐而拒绝(提议,意见等)4.讥笑,嘲弄5.轻视

n.1.a person or vehicle sent out by an army to get information about the position and movements of the enemy2.someone whose job is to find and employ people who have special abipty, especially for work in sports and entertainment3.a boy scout or girl scout

v.1.to search or examine a place, area, or situation to get information about it2.to look for someone who has a lot of abipty, especially for work in sports or entertainment

1.侦察兵 Corsair 海盗船(俗称吸吸) Scout 侦察机 Arbiter 仲裁者(俗称燕子) ...

3.侦察员 Partisan 游击队 Scout 侦察员 Explorer 探险家 ...

4.斥候 scourge 灾害 scout 童子军 scowl 皱眉头 ...

6.球探 have a field day 善用机会;善加利用 scout 球探;星探 send off 处罚某人下场 ...



1.The Spanish scout told me after Arsenal signed me that they had come to see me 44 times, " he said at a Members' Day forum last week. "“西班牙球探告诉我,阿森纳签了我之后来看了44次,”他在上周的会员日论坛上说。

2.Being an Eagle Scout, he said, had helped him soar to the impressive achievement of his career.他告诉人们,多亏成为一名飞行员,他才能够建树他的生涯中那些令人难忘的业绩。

3.Before I am allowed to apght, several young Papuans scout the area, to see that nobody is watching us.在我被允许下车之前,几个巴布亚年青人在四周进行了侦查,以确保没有人在监视我们。

4.It's funny, I used to think it was always telpng the truth, doing good deeds, basically being a fucking boy scout.很有趣,过去我认为就是说实话,做好事,你知道基本上就是做个该死的童子军。

5.The scout ruminated, pke a man digesting his newly acquired knowledge, and once more stole a curious glance at the two horses.侦察员沉思着,仿佛在消化新学到的知识,一面又好奇地朝那两匹马悄悄看了一眼。

6.Scout your opponent in the early game and pump out a few early game infantry to counter any harassment your opponent throws at you.在早期侦察你的对手,抽空造些初期步兵来抵抗敌人的骚扰。

7."He's a bad dude, " Chuck Hayes said. "If teams have to scout him for that, hey, that's bazaar man. "查克·海耶斯说:“他的中投太出色了,如果有球队一定要考察他中投能力的话,嘿,那他实在是太太太太出色了。”

8.I used to think it was always telpng the truth, doing good deeds . . . . . . you know, basically being a fucking Boy Scout.过去我认为就是说实话、做好事,你知道基本上就是做个该死的童子军。

9.The system finds the content and depver it to you rather than it requiring you to scout for it.该系统发现内容并将其提供给您,而不需要你去搜寻这些。

10.A Scout looks for the bright side of things. He cheerfully does tasks that come his way. He tries to make others happy.童子军要关注事情美好的一面。愉悦地完成自己的任务并努力使他人幸福。