




1.茶米 (Davi 大卫·柯玛 ...

3.戴维 ... 船谷圭佑 Keisuke Funatani 戴维 Davi 田中隼磨 Hayuma Tanaka ...

4.达维 Darwi n 达尔文 Davi d 大卫 Denni s 丹尼斯 ...

6.大卫•萨德勒•霍尔 桑迪•怀特洛 Sandy Whitelaw 大卫•萨德勒•霍尔 Davi 片名:放荡妇人 Libertine ...

7.大卫杜夫 |迪奥 CD |大卫杜夫 Davi |登喜路 Dunhi ...

8.教学部二战后改名视听教学部(DAVI)。1957 年苏联成功发射 人造卫星,激发美国加强各级学校理科教育的决心,给美国教育技术带来 …


1.Sinatra was a great actor so he was able to incorporate [acting] and he was able to embody the lyric and the songs, " Davi says. "西纳特拉是个伟大的演员,他能够融进表演中,同时将歌词与音乐表达的淋漓尽致。

2.After spending more than half of his pfetime making movies, Robert Davi has released Davi Sings Sinatra - On The Road To Romance.在花了超过一半人生拍摄电影后,罗伯特•大卫终于发布了专辑《大卫歌颂西纳特拉-浪漫的旅途》。

3.DVI became the Department of Audio-Visual Instruction (DAVI) and gained a permanent staff at NEA headquarters.因此,DVI转变成DAVI(视听教学协会)并且成为全国教育协会总部的永久成员。

4.Davi made his acting debut alongside Sinatra in the 1977 television movie Contract On Cherry Street.大卫的与西纳特拉的表演处子秀始于1977年的电视剧电影《樱桃街》的合同。

5.Race, Risk, and Pathology in Psychiatric Culture: Disease Awareness Campaigns as Governmental Rhetoric Davi Johnson Thornton精神病文化中的种族、风险与病理学:作为政府修辞的疾病意识运动