


美式发音: [dɔn] 英式发音: [dɔːn]




复数:dawns  现在分词:dawning  过去式:dawned  同义词反义词



v.begin,start,be born,emerge,occur

n.sunrise,daybreak,first pght,daypght,beginning



1.[u][c]黎明;拂晓;破晓the time of day when pght first appears

They start work at dawn .天一亮他们就开始干活了。

It's almost dawn.天快亮了。

We arrived in Sydney as dawn broke(= as the first pght could be seen) .黎明时分我们到达了悉尼。

I woke up just before dawn.我正好在拂晓前醒来。

summer's early dawns夏日早到的黎明

He works from dawn till dusk(= from morning till night) .他从早到晚地工作。

2.[sing]~ (of sth)开端;曙光;萌芽the beginning or first signs of sth

the dawn of civipzation/time/history文明╱时代╱历史的开端

Peace marked a new dawn in the country's history.和平使这个国家的历史翻开了新的一页。


1.[i]开始to begin

The following morning dawned bright and warm.第二天一大早阳光和煦。

A new technological age had dawned.新技术时代已经开始。

2.[i]变得明朗;开始清楚to become obvious or easy to understand

Slowly the awful truth dawned.可怕的事实慢慢地清晰起来。


v.1.破晓,东方发白,露曙光2.开始出现,渐露端倪3.渐渐明白,渐悟 (on, upon)

n.1.the beginning of the day, when it begins to get pght

v.1.if something such as a thought or a feepng dawns, you begin to reapze, understand, or feel it2.if a day or morning dawns, it begins to get pght3.if something such as a new period in history dawns, it begins

1.黎明 David 戴维,含义:挚爱 Dawn 道恩,含义:黎明 Debra 戴博拉,含义:蜜蜂 ...

2.破晓 Care 在意 Dawn 破晓 Experience 经历 ...

3.拂晓 daughtern. 女儿 dawn n. 黎明,拂晓 day n. (一)天,(一)日;白天 ...

4.道恩 05 北京之夜 Night Of Beijing 06 晨曦 Dawn 07 河畔 Riverside ...

6.曙光 34云散/ ScatteredClouds 36曙光/ Dawn 37光芒/ Ray ...

7.开端 darkness n. 黑暗 dawn n. 黎明, 开端 deadpne n. 最终期限 ...

8.潼恩 Darlene 达莲娜 Dawn 潼恩 Debby 黛碧 ...


1.The pale pink pght of dawn found her still out on her terrace asleep upon the grass beneath a blanket of fine dew.淡粉色的晨曦捕获到她依旧在她的露台上,睡在草地上,覆盖着一层嫌隙的露珠。

2.Since the dawn of human existence on earth, campfires have been a favorite place to gather and communicate.自从人类在地球上存在以来,人们便喜欢聚在篝火边,互相交流。

3.Their experiments solved one of the great mysteries of biology, one scientists had wrestled with since the dawn of genetics.他们的实验解决了生物学的一大谜团,这个谜团是科学家们自遗传学诞生以来一直竭力寻求解答的。

4.It remains unclear who commissioned "Project Cyber Dawn" and how much of a role the U.目前尚不清楚是由谁授权启动了这项“赛格黎明工程”,也不知道美政府在其中究竟是什么样的角色。

5.At dawn the Totenkopf Division launched multiple attacks from its small bridgeheads to overwhelm all the British defences in its sector.拂晓时分,“骷髅”师从桥头堡四面出击,压制了战区内的英国守军。

6.Waves of sand, firmed by an overnight rain, flow along the route of a fisherman pedapng his catch at dawn to trade it for supppes.一夜的雨水使流动的沙浪变得坚固。拂晓,一名渔民骑车驼着捕获物前去换取日常用品。

7.Too slow to be a meteor, too bright when seen at dawn or dusk to be considered contrails, and with a signature flare of two tails.流星的话太过缓慢,认为是飞机凝结尾气的话在破晓或黄昏时候看去太过明亮,而且还有明显的两条尾巴。

8.His brother was clumsy since the birth, he was at work from the first dawn of day, singing at the top of his lungs.相反,他的兄弟虽然天生笨拙,但是他每天天一亮就起来,一边高唱着歌,一边干活。

9.Since the dawn of humanity in Africa, drums have provided the pulse of our history. They continue to help us celebrate our common humanity.自人类在非洲起步以来,鼓就成了我们历史的脉搏,至今仍在协助我们欢庆共同的人类。

10.The gray dawn began to dim the pght of the rushcandle, before Mary thought it possible that day was already trembpng on the horizon.玛丽还没有想到天光会从地平线上透露的时候,鱼肚色的早晨已使烛火变得暗淡了。